State two benefits of induction training.
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State two benefits of induction training.
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Which type of training has the benefit of bringing new ideas into the business?
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Which of the following is an example of on the job training?
A health and safety course at a local college
An ICT course at a training centre
Observing an employee doing her job
Studying for a degree online
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State two methods of off-the-job training.
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State one disadvantage of training staff.
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Which of the following is a common element of induction training?
Psychometric testing
IT log-ins and password security
Share price monitoring
Management interviews for promotion
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State two methods of on-the-job training that may be undertaken by a warehouse business.
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Explain one benefit of providing induction training for employees.
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Explain one benefit of off-the-job training for a business that employs workers.
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Explain one benefit of off-the-job training for employees.
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State and explain two methods of on-the-job training that can be used by a business.
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Explain one factor that may influence the choice of training a business chooses for its employees.
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State and explain one disadvantage of on-the-job training.
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State and explain two benefits of having well trained employees.
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Premium Motors prides itself on the quality of its chauffeur and taxi service. Drivers are encouraged to greet customers with a smile and engage in conversation several times throughout the journey. Janet has previously issued new drivers with a leaflet outlining the company policy on customer service.
Janet is considering introducing a new induction training programme for the new drivers. It will include:
a video of an experienced driver dealing with a customer
a role play exercise where a new driver can practise dealing with difficult customers.
Janet is considering introducing a new induction training programme for the new drivers to ensure a high level of customer service.
Analyse one benefit of introducing the new induction training for drivers.
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Fleet Academy rent out children’s bikes. The aim of the rental service is that every child should be able to enjoy riding bikes that always fit them. The rental bikes can be changed when children grow.
A manager is needed to run the department. Parents interested in the scheme will contact the manager who will provide advice on the correct size and style of bike for the child. The rental bike will then be selected from the range the company holds in stock. If there are any problems with the size of the bike the company will guarantee to exchange it within 48 hours.
Brian, a highly successful salesman of adult bikes, has worked for Fleet Bikes Ltd for five years, has been appointed the new manager. However he has no knowledge of children’s bikes and no knowledge of rental agreements.
Fleet Academy is considering some off-the-job training for Brian. It has identified a local legal firm that specialises in contract law that is willing to run the training.
Analyse one benefit to Fleet Academy of sending Brian on the proposed off-the-job training.
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Wolfie is a small business creating dog bandanas and dog coats, selling items through platforms such as e-Bay and Etsy.
Keara has recently grown the business, recruiting 4 new designers to expand the range of products to maintain her market share. Wolfie products are known for their innovating and exciting designs, so Keara is keen for the new designers to be creative and inspirational with their ideas.
Keara has two options when considering training the designers. Option one is to use on-the-job designer software that uses existing products and patterns. Keara already owns the software and it is quick and cheap for each employee to complete. However the edition of the software is now 4 years old and has been superseded by expensive updates.
Option two is to use off-the-job training at a highly reputable local arts college, which the designers will attend day-release once a week for 4 months. The designers will achieve a formally recognised qualification at the end of the training, which may make them attractive to competitors who could poach the staff. This training is expensive and Keara is worried about the drop in output while the designers are absent at college.
Analyse the benefits to Wolfie of each of these two options of training the new designers.
Evaluate which of these two options of training Keara should undertake for her new Wolfie employees in order to grow her business.
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