There are many ways of preventing pregnancy.
Figure 1 shows an intra-uterine contraceptive device (IUCD) inside a uterus.
Figure 1
The IUCD device contains a hormone which is released at regular intervals and diffuses throughout the uterus. This hormone stops the lining of the uterus from thickening, and leads to a thick layer of mucus building up in the cervix. The IUCD can last for up to five years before it needs to be replaced.
Alternatively, a woman can take a contraceptive pill that contains the same hormone.
For every 500 women that take the contraceptive pill, about 5 become pregnant, whereas in comparison for every 500 women that have an IUD, only 1 on average will fall pregnant.
Using the information above as well as your own knowledge and understanding, evaluate the use of these two types of contraceptive.
Remember to include a conclusion in your evaluation.