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Define the term food security.
Food security is having enough food to feed a population.
How is changing human population size threatening food security?
Changing human population size affects food security because more people require more food. Population size is increasing in many countries due to high birth rates, increasing the global demand for food.
How are changing human diets threatening food security?
Changing human diets affects food security because humans are consuming more meat and fish. These foods require more land and resources, meaning that there is less land available for producing other types of food.
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Define the term food security.
Food security is having enough food to feed a population.
How is changing human population size threatening food security?
Changing human population size affects food security because more people require more food. Population size is increasing in many countries due to high birth rates, increasing the global demand for food.
How are changing human diets threatening food security?
Changing human diets affects food security because humans are consuming more meat and fish. These foods require more land and resources, meaning that there is less land available for producing other types of food.
How is the changing environment threatening food security?
The changing environment is threatening food security because low rainfall and drought, as well as high rainfall and flooding, can cause reduced crop yields and famine.
How are pests and pathogens threatening food security?
Pests and pathogens threaten food security because they destroy crops and can kill livestock, reducing food availability.
How are the costs of farming threatening food security?
Costs of farming are threatening food security because costs of irrigation, machinery and livestock can make farming too expensive for many farmers. This reduces the number of farmers that are producing food.
How do global conflicts threaten food security?
Global conflicts are threatening food security because they affect the availability of food and water. They can reduce land, people, and resources available for farming, as well as reducing food distribution.
What is sustainable food production?
Sustainable food production involves making enough food for the current population while ensuring that resources are not used faster than they can be renewed, so that future populations also have enough food.
True or False?
Biofuel production has no impact on food security.
Biofuel production can take up valuable land that could otherwise be used for food production.