Gas Exchange (Edexcel GCSE Biology)



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  • Which process takes place at the alveoli?

    The process that takes place in the alveoli is gas exchange.

  • True or False?

    Alveoli and surrounding capillaries are surrounded by multiple layers of cells to minimise diffusion distance.


    Alveoli and surrounding capillaries are surrounded by single layers of cells to minimise diffusion distance.

  • True or False?

    A layer of moisture on the surface of the alveoli aids diffusion.


    Gases dissolve in the layer of moisture on the surface of the alveoli, aiding diffusion.

  • What are the features of alveoli that make them an efficient exchange surface?

    Alveoli are an efficient gas exchange surface because:

    • They have a large total surface area

    • They provide a short diffusion distance

    • They have a good blood supply and good ventilation, maintaining a steep concentration gradient

    • They are lined with a layer of moisture in which gases can dissolved

  • How is a steep concentration gradient for both oxygen and carbon dioxide maintained in the alveoli?

    A steep concentration gradient for both oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the alveoli as follows:

    • Good ventilation means that a high concentration of oxygen and a low concentration of carbon dioxide is maintained inside the alveoli

    • A good blood supply ensures that blood is constantly flowing; this means that the blood immediately next to each alveolus is always low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide