Organisation: The Cardiovascular & Respiratory System (AQA GCSE Biology)

Exam Questions

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1 mark

Complete the following sentence.

Choose the answer from the box.

The thorax is separated from the abdomen by the __________________

rib cage          diaphragm          large intestine          pleural membranes

1b1 mark

Which structure connects a bronchus to an alveolus?

  • Trachea

  • Thorax

  • Diaphragm

  • Bronchiole

1c2 marks

Figure 1 shows the human lungs and associated structures.

Name airways X and Y.

Figure 1 

1d2 marks

Figure 2 shows a number of features and functions relating to the alveolus.

Figure 2


Draw one line from each feature to the correct function.

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2a1 mark

Figure 3 shows the cross-section of three types of blood vessels. 

Figure 3


Choose which option shows the correct names for the vessels X, Y and Z.

  • X-Vein, Y-Capillary, Z-Artery

  • X-Artery, Y-Vein, Z-Capillary

  • X-Artery, Y-Capillary, Z-Vein

  • X-Capillary, Z-Vein, Z-Artery

2b2 marks

During a biology lesson, a student writes down the following statement.

"Veins always carry deoxygenated blood"

Suggest why this statement is incorrect.

2c2 marks

Figure 4 shows a longitudinal section of a vein.

Figure 4


Suggest why blood does not flow in the direction S → T .

2d2 marks

Complete the following sentences.

Choose answers from the box

low        increases        high        decreases        thick        capillary        vein        thin

 ____________ walls are usually one cell thick which  _____________  the rate of diffusion by decreasing the distance over which it occurs.

The heart pumps blood at  __________ pressure so artery walls are _________ compared to the size of the lumen

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3a2 marks

Figure 5 shows the internal structure of the human heart.

Figure 5


Name chamber A and chamber B.

3b1 mark

When chamber A in Figure 5, contracts.

Which of the following structures does the blood flow to next?

  • Vena cava

  • Left ventricle

  • Right atrium

  • Pulmonary artery

3c1 mark

The aorta is the main artery that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the rest of the body.

Smaller arteries called coronary arteries branch off from the aorta and surround the heart.

What is the function of the coronary arteries?

3d1 mark

Figure 6 shows the heart rate (in beats per minute, BPM) of an healthy person over a 24 hour period.

Figure 6


Suggest why there is an increase in heart rate between 15:00 hrs and 18:00 hrs.

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4a1 mark

Figure 7 shows some cells that are found in blood.

Figure 7


Describe one way in which they are adapted to their function

4b1 mark

What is blood classed as?

  • Cell

  • Tissue

  • Organ

  • Organ system

4c2 marks

Name the part of the blood that carries out clotting and state one advantage to this process.

4d2 marks

Different types of white blood cells are important in defending an animal from infection by pathogens.

Describe two ways that white blood cells can do this. 

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1a2 marks

The circulatory system is composed of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

Blood is defined as being both a tissue and a fluid.

Suggest why the blood can be defined as a tissue.

1b1 mark

The heart is an organ that pumps blood around the body.

Name two blood vessels associated with the heart that transport oxygenated blood.

1c3 marks

The structures of arteries, veins and capillaries relate to their functions.

Compare the structure of a capillary with that of an artery.

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2a6 marks

Explain how the human circulatory system is adapted to carry out its function of supplying oxygen to the body and removing waste products.

2b3 marks

A patient is diagnosed as having suffered from a stroke due to a blood clot as a result of an irregular heartbeat.

A stroke is a life-threatening illness in which cells of the brain die due to lack of oxygen.

Suggest how a blood clot could cause a stroke.

2c3 marks

Explain how a patient with an irregular heartbeat would be treated.

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3a6 marks

Describe with reasons the differences in wall thickness of the atria and ventricles.

In your answer compare the right and left ventricles.

3b2 marks

One form of cholesterol found in the blood is LDL.

Describe how having too high a level of LDL cholesterol in the blood could potentially lead to a heart attack.

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4a3 marks

Listing the key structures, describe the path of air from the trachea to the lung capillaries.

4b4 marks

Explain the changes that occur in the thorax (chest cavity) when a person breathes in.

4c3 marks

During inhalation and exhalation, the intercostal muscles work as antagonistic pairs.

With reference to the intercostal muscles, explain what antagonistic pairs are and how they work.

4d2 marks

The internal intercostal muscles are predominantly active during strenuous activity.

Why is this?

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5a2 marks

Figure 1 below shows a cross-section of a blood vessel taken from an arm.

Figure 1


Name the type of blood vessel in Figure 1 and describe the key evidence that supports your answer.

5b1 mark

Using the letters S and T describe the usual direction of blood flow in the vessel shown in Figure 1.

5c3 marks

Suggest a reason why blood usually flows in the same direction in the vessel shown in Figure 1 and describe why this is an advantageous adaptation.

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2 marks

The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply oxygenated blood to the brain, neck and face.

The blood flow of the left carotid artery of a patient during a 5 minute period was measured at 1.1 litres.

Calculate the rate of blood flow and the total volume of blood that passes through this vessel in one hour.

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1a3 marks

Listing the key structures, describe the path of exhaled air from the lung capillaries to the trachea.

1b1 mark

Name the structure in the lungs where gas exchange takes place.

1c4 marks

Using your knowledge of the lungs, describe and explain the features of an efficient gas exchange surface.

1d6 marks

A student wrote the following statement about how oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and respiring cells:

"In the air sacs, air is absorbed into the blood and is carried around the body to feed cells. The blood is then returned to the lungs where it is cleaned"

Suggest a more accurate and detailed description of how oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and respiring cells.

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2a1 mark

Which statement is true of the pulmonary circuit of the circulatory system?

  • Blood is being pumped from the heart, to the respiring tissues of the body

  • Blood is being pumped to collect oxygen from the alveoli

  • Blood is under high pressure

  • Blood is transported through veins only.

2b4 marks

Describe the differences between arteries and veins.

2c3 marks

Mammals and birds have a double circulatory system.

Explain why a double circulatory system is better suited to these organisms, compared to a single circulatory system.

2d6 marks

Describe the the path of blood from the vena cava to the lungs and from the lungs to the aorta. You don't need to reference alveoli in your answer. 

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3a4 marks

Describe how heart rate is controlled and explain why some people may need to have an artificial pacemaker fitted.

3b3 marks

Explain how red blood cells are adapted for their function.

3c3 marks

Patient A visited a doctor with a sore throat and muscle aches. The doctor ordered a blood test.

Table 1 shows some of the results from Patient A's blood sample. 

Table 1

Blood component

Patient A

(Number of cells / ml)

Normal Range (women)

(Number of cells / ml)

 Normal Range (men)

(Number of cells / ml)

White Blood Cell

14 000

5 000 - 10 000

5 000 - 10 000

Red Blood Cell

5.3 x 106

4.5 - 5.0 x 106

4.5 - 5.5 x 106


3.5 x 105

1.4 - 4.0 x 105

1.4 - 4.0 x 105

Suggest what conclusions can be drawn from the blood test results in Table 1.

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6 marks

A scientist conducts an experiment to investigate how exercise affects the the flow of blood (each test lasted for five minutes).

Firstly, they measured the volume of blood that passes through a blood vessel of a seated subject.

Secondly, they measured the volume of blood that passes through a blood vessel when the subject was walking on a treadmill.

Some selected data is shown in Table 2.

Table 2


Seated Subject

Walking on a treadmill

Total volume of blood in 5 minutes (ml)

3 075

24 600

Rate of blood flow (ml/min)



Total volume of blood in one hour (litres)


Calculate the missing values and explain why there is a difference in results between the two tests

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4a4 marks

Explain how the structure of a capillary is adapted to carry out its function.

4b2 marks

Figure 1 shows a diagram of an alveolus in close proximity to a capillary.


Alveoli are relatively spherical in shape. The alveolus shown in Figure 1 has a diameter of 400 μm and a volume of approximately 33 504 000 μm3.

Calculate the surface to volume ratio of the alveolus in Figure 1.

Use the equation:

             Surface area of a sphere = 4 x ∏ x r2

4c6 marks

Explain why heart and breathing rates increase in response to aerobic exercise.

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