CHD: A Non-Communicable Disease (AQA GCSE Biology)

Revision Note

Lára Marie McIvor


Biology Lead

Loading video: 9.1.6 AQA GCSE Coronary Heart Disease

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Coronary heart disease

  • The heart is made of cardiac muscle cells which need a supply of blood to deliver oxygen, glucose (for respiration) and other nutrients, and remove waste products such as carbon dioxide

  • The blood is supplied to the heart by the coronary arteries which branch off directly from the aorta and sit on the outside of the heart


The coronary arteries supply the heart with oxygenated blood

What is coronary heart disease?

  • Coronary heart disease (CHD) involves layers of fatty material (called plaque) building up inside the coronary arteries

  • If a coronary artery becomes partially or completely blocked by these fatty deposits blood flow through the arteries is reduced 

  • This results in a lack of oxygen for the heart muscle

    • Partial blockage of the coronary arteries creates a restricted blood flow to the cardiac muscle cells and results in severe chest pains called angina

    • Complete blockage means cells in that area of the heart will not be able to respire aerobically, leading to a heart attack



Buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries narrows the lumen

Effect of narrowing of arteries, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes

The effect of a narrowed lumen in a coronary artery is reduced blood flow to the heart

Treating coronary heart disease

  • Treatment of CHD involves either:

    • increasing the width of the lumen of the coronary arteries using a stent

    • prescribing statins to lower blood cholesterol

Treating CHD: Stents

  • Stents can be used to keep the coronary arteries open

    • A narrow tube is threaded up through the groin up to the blocked vessel

    • A tiny balloon is then inflated

    • The balloon pushes the metal or plastic stent against the wall of the artery, increasing the width of the lumen

    • The balloon and tube are then removed

  • Stents are very effective at reducing the risk of a heart attack as they widen the lumen to increase blood flow to the coronary arteries, and the procedure is relatively simple

  • Stents also last a long time, which is a positive, however, there is a risk of blood clots (thrombosis) occurring

Advantages and Disadvantages of Stents

Advantages of stents

Disadvantages of stents

Effective at reducing the risk of a heart attack as they widen the lumen and increase blood flow 

Risk of blood clots occurring

Last a long time

Risk of infection during surgery

Simple minor surgery to insert a stent

Risk of damage to the blood vessel during surgery

Inserting a stent diagram


Inserting a stent into a blocked artery is a relatively simple surgical procedure

Treating CHD: Statins

  • Statins are drugs that are widely used to reduce the levels of fatty deposits (cholesterol) in the blood

  • They block an enzyme in the liver which is needed to make cholesterol

  • This slows down the rate of fatty material building up in the blood, reducing the risk of CHD occurring

  • There are many advantages and disadvantages of statins:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Statins

Advantages of statins

Disadvantages of statins

Reduce the levels of 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) in the blood which reduces the risk of fatty deposits building up - this reduces the risk of CHD

Need to be taken regularly and long-term, otherwise, they are not as effective

Increase levels of 'good' cholesterol (HDL) in the blood which remove 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol circulating in the blood

Take some time to have an effect

Side effects of statins include muscle and joint pain, kidney problems and neurological issues

Faulty Heart Valves

  • The heart valves play a vital role in ensuring blood is pumped from the ventricles to the arteries, in a one-way direction

  • In some people, heart valves may become faulty as a result of illness, old age or a heart attack

  • Valves can stiffen which can prevent them from opening fully to let blood flow through

    • This reduces the volume of blood pumped by the heart

  • Sometimes a faulty heart valve might develop a leak

    • This allows blood to flow from the ventricles back into the atria or the arteries back into the ventricles

  • Both issues reduce the effectiveness of the heart in pumping oxygenated blood around the body

  • Faulty heart valves can be replaced via surgery using:

    • biological valves from cows or pigs

    • mechanical valves

Advantages and Disadvantages of Replacement Valves

Valve replacement type



Biological valve

Highly effective

Less likely to leak

Need to be replaced after 12-15 years

Risk of immune rejection

Mechanical valve


Less need to replace

Can increase the likelihood of blood clots

Lifelong need to take anticoagulant (anti-blood clotting) medication 

Examiner Tip

You may be asked to evaluate different methods of treatment for CHD and faulty valves. You should bear in mind the benefits and risks associated with each type of treatment - there are always both as no treatment is perfect!

Heart Transplants

  • In the case of heart failure a heart can be transplanted from a donor who has recently died

  • Waiting lists for organ transplants are often long, so an immediate solution can involve replacing the heart with an artificial heart made from plastic and metal

  • Artificial hearts may be used to:

    • keep patients alive while waiting for a heart transplant, 

    • allow the heart to rest as an aid to recovery

Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Hearts



Shorter waiting times

Do not work as well as real hearts

Less chance of the patient's immune system rejecting it

Increased risk of blood clots, leading to increased risk of stroke

Examiner Tip

You should be able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of treating cardiovascular diseases with drugs, mechanical devices or transplants.

Issues to think about include:

  • the risk of surgical procedures vs. the benefits of a successful outcome

  • the ease of access to the treatment

  • the potential side effects/long-term impacts

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Lára Marie McIvor

Author: Lára Marie McIvor

Lára graduated from Oxford University in Biological Sciences and has now been a science tutor working in the UK for several years. Lára has a particular interest in the area of infectious disease and epidemiology, and enjoys creating original educational materials that develop confidence and facilitate learning.