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- Cell Biology
- Organisation
- Infection & Response
- Bioenergetics
- Homeostasis & Response
- Inheritance, Variation & Evolution
- Ecology
View grade boundaries for AQA GCSE Biology
Exam code: 8461
Tools designed specifically for the AQA GCSE Biology syllabus, to help you ace your exams, including: past papers, revision notes, and exam-style questions, created by our expert team of teachers and examiners
View grade boundaries for AQA GCSE Biology
There are seven topics in AQA GCSE Biology. Topics 1 -4 are assessed in Paper 1 and Topics 5-7 are assessed in Paper 2. 1. Cell biology 2. Organisation 3. Infection and response 4. Bioenergetics 5. Homeostasis and response 6. Inheritance, variation and evolution 7. Ecology
Grades are set as 9-1. Grade Boundaries change yearly and are published by the exam board after each of the Summer terminal exams so it is impossible to say what the grade boundaries are.
There are two papers Paper 1 and Paper 2, both 1hr 45min papers at either Foundation Tier or Higher Tier.
Revision requires patience and commitment and a clear structure. Revision is different for everyone but one key idea is to actively work with your revision content rather than just reading over class notes or a textbook. For example, re-writing out your notes as a mind map, or turing your notes into labelled diagrams. Watching videos and making notes, or actively answering questions on your topics are great revision tools also.
AQA GCSE Biology is accessible to all learners and has assessments at both Foundation and Higher levels. The question papers are comprised of a mixture of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.