Methods to Study the Influence of Globalisation on Individual Behaviour (DP IB Psychology)



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Cards in this collection (13)

  • Which research method does Bhugra & Mastrogianni (2004) use in their study of how globalisation may contribute to depression?

    Bhugra & Mastrogianni (2004) use a meta-analysis to study how globalisation may contribute to depression.

  • What is a meta-analysis?

    A meta-analysis is when researchers combine the findings from multiple studies to draw an overall conclusion about the topic in question. It gives an objective overview, allowing the researcher to look for patterns, tendencies and trends in the data.

  • Meta-analyses can only be conducted on studies that generate:

    a) quantitative data

    b) qualitative data

    c) both quantitative and qualitative data


    Meta-analyses can only be conducted on studies that generate quantitative data as the procedure involves a statistical analysis of the numerical findings of the research included.

  • True or False?

    A limitation of a meta-analysis is that secondary data may be less reliable than primary data as the researchers have had no control over the ways in which the data was collected.


    A limitation of a meta-analysis is that secondary data may be less reliable than primary data as the researchers have had no control over the ways in which the data was collected.

  • Is there more or less chance of researcher bias when using a meta-analysis?

    There is less chance of researcher bias as a meta-analysis uses secondary data which other researchers have collected, so the researcher running the meta-analysis cannot have influenced the procedure in any way.

  • True or False?

    Meta-analyses are not considered to be time-consuming.


    Meta-analyses are time-consuming in terms of the process of finding relevant research, which may not produce a good enough number of useful studies, particularly if the topic is obscure.

  • Which research method does Lyons-Padilla et al. (2004) use?

    Lyons-Padilla et al. (2004) use a questionnaire in which a rating scale measures aspects of acculturation.

  • The use of closed questions (yes/no, fixed choice) in questionnaires produces:

    a) quantitative data

    b) qualitative data

    c) both quantitative and qualitative data


    The use of closed questions (yes/no, fixed choice) in questionnaires produces quantitative data which means that it is conducive to statistical analysis.

  • The use of open questions in questionnaires produces:

    a) quantitative data

    b) qualitative data

    c) both quantitative and qualitative data


    The use of open questions in questionnaires provides qualitative data. Adding open questions means that some degree of explanation is possible, increasing validity.

  • True or False?

    A questionnaire may ask participants to offer up their attitudes, opinions, feelings and viewpoints on the topic being investigated.


    A questionnaire may ask participants to offer up their attitudes, opinions, feelings, and viewpoints on the topic being investigated.

  • Why is it a strength that questionnaires use standardised questions?

    It is a strength that questionnaires use standardised questions as this means that they are replicable, increasing their reliability (particularly if a large sample size is involved).

  • As a limitation of questionnaires, what does social desirability bias mean?

    As a limitation of questionnaires, social desirability bias means that participants may present themselves in the best possible light when responding to questions which would invalidate the data collected.

  • True or False?

    A strength of questionnaires is that participants may succumb to response bias.


    It is a limitation of questionnaires that participants may succumb to response bias i.e. answering questions according to how they think the researchers expect them to respond, invalidating the data collected.