Cognitive Schema (DP IB Psychology)



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  • What is meant by (cognitive) schema?

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Cards in this collection (17)

  • What is meant by (cognitive) schema?

    A (cognitive) schema is a mental representation of something (human, non-human, abstract or concrete), assimilated via experience (direct or indirect).

  • True or False:

    Schemas are static and unchanging

    False. Schemas are continually develop, adapt and sometimes amended or discarded.

  • What is one disadvantage of schemas in terms of how they affect memory?

    a) Schemas may cause amnesia

    b) Schemas may lead to distorted memory and biased recall

    c) Schemas may produce a strong primacy effect but no recency effect

    b) Schemas may lead to distorted memory and biased recall.

  • What sort of schema is a self-schema based on negative childhood experiences, influencing self-image and well-being?

    An early maladaptive schema is a self-schema based on negative childhood experiences, influencing self-image and well-being.

  • True or False: Early maladaptive schemas are easily eradicated through therapy.

    False. Early maladaptive schemas are resistant to change, even with therapy.

  • Which of the following is not an example of an early maladaptive schema?

    a) Defectiveness

    b) Abandonment

    c) Hopelessness

    d) Failure to Achieve

    c) Hopelessness is not an example of an early maladaptive schema.

  • What was the aim of Bartlett (1932)?

    a) To investigate the effect of cultural schemas on recall of a culturally unfamiliar story

    b) To investigate the effect of early negative childhood experiences on schemas

    c) To investigate the effect of punishment on schemas

    a) The aim of Bartlett (1932) was to investigate the effect of cultural schemas on recall of a culturally unfamiliar story.

  • Explain what is meant by serial reproduction.

    Serial reproduction is a procedure where one participant reads a story and reproduces it in writing, which is then read to another participant who repeats the process with the next participant and so on.

  • True or False: Bartlett found that the participants' versions of the original story closely resembled the original Native American folk tale.

    False. Bartlett found that the resulting stories bore little similarity to the original Native American folk tale.

  • What are assimilation and sharpening as applied to Bartlett (1932)?

    a) Sticking closely to the original story

    b) Pretending to understand the original story

    c) Changing story details to fit familiar cultural schemas

    c) Assimilation and sharpening involve changing story details to fit familiar cultural schemas.

  • What was Bartlett's conclusion about the influence of cultural schemas on memory?

    Bartlett concluded that cultural schemas contribute to the reconstructive nature of memory.

  • Why does Bartlett's schema research lack temporal validity?

    Bartlett's research was conducted in 1932 which means that it is dated: different results would likely be found if the study was replicated today.

  • What was the aim of Riso et al. (2006)?

    The aim of Riso et al. (2006) was to investigate the stability of early maladaptive schemas over time.

  • Riso et al. (2006) used a sample of 55 patients who had been diagnosed with:

    a) Eating disorders

    b) Major Depressive Disorder

    c) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    b) Riso et al. (2006) used a sample of 55 patients who had been diagnosed with MDD

  • What specific research method did Riso et al. (2006) use?

    Riso et al. (2006) used a questionnaire (a type of self-report research method).

  • Riso et al. found a correlation coefficeint of 0.75 for early maladaptive schemas linked to depression which is:

    a) A strong positive correlation

    b) A strong negative correlation

    c) A weak positive correlation

    a) 0.75 is a strong positive correlation.

  • Why are the findings of Riso et al. (2006) useful?

    The findings of Riso et al. (2006) may help to inform treatment for patients with major depressive disorder by identifying early maladaptive schemas in childhood.