Radioactive Decay (DP IB Physics)



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  • Define the term isotope.

    Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.

  • True or False?

    An element can have only one isotope.


    An element can have any number of isotopes, as long as they each have the same number of protons.

  • True or False?

    Two different isotopes of uranium have the same number of neutrons.


    Two different isotopes of uranium have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.

  • True or False?

    The following atoms are all possible isotopes of chlorine (symbol Cl):

    Cl presubscript 17 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 18 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 19 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 20 presuperscript 35


    The atoms Cl presubscript 17 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 18 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 19 presuperscript 35, Cl presubscript 20 presuperscript 35 are not possible isotopes of chlorine as they have the same mass number but different atomic numbers.

    Isotopes of an element must have the same atomic number but different mass numbers.

  • True or False?

    The following atoms are all possible isotopes of iron (symbol Fe):

    Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 54, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 56, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 57, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 58


    The atoms Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 54, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 56, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 57, Fe presubscript 26 presuperscript 58 are all possible isotopes of iron as they have the same atomic number but different mass numbers.

  • What is isotopic data?

    Isotopic data refers to the relative amounts of different isotopes of an element present within a substance.

  • Define radioactive decay.

    Radioactive decay is the random and spontaneous disintegration of an unstable nucleus by emitting alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.

  • How is radioactive decay a random process?

    Radioactive decay is a random process because the exact time a nucleus will decay cannot be predicted.

  • How is radioactive decay a spontaneous process?

    Radioactive decay is a spontaneous process because the rate of decay is unaffected by external factors (such as temperature, pressure or chemical conditions).

  • True or False?

    The rate of decay of a sample of radioactive material can be increased by increasing the temperature and pressure of the surroundings.


    The rate of decay of a sample of radioactive material cannot be influenced by external factors such as temperature or pressure.

  • Define background radiation.

    Background radiation is the ionising radiation that exists around us all the time.

  • True or False?

    Background radiation is solely a human-made phenomenon.


    Background radiation is a natural phenomenon that has always existed on Earth and in outer space.

  • Name three natural sources of background radiation.

    Natural sources of background radiation include:

    • radon gas

    • cosmic rays from space

    • radioactive elements in rocks and soil

    • carbon-14 in living tissue

    • some food and drink

  • Name three artificial sources of background radiation

    Artificial sources of background radiation include:

    • nuclear medicine

    • nuclear waste

    • nuclear fallout

    • nuclear accidents

  • How is the count rate of a radioactive source measured?

    The count rate of a radioactive source is measured using a GM (Geiger-Marsden) tube connected to a counter, or ratemeter.

  • How is the background count accounted for when measuring the count rate of a radioactive source?

    When measuring the count rate of a radioactive source, the background count is accounted for by

    • measuring the count rate without the source present (background count)

    • measuring the count rate with the source present

    • subtracting the background count from each measurement of count rate

  • Why it is better to use larger count rates in radioactivity experiments?

    It is better to use larger count rates in radioactivity experiments as the background count will be a smaller percentage of the overall count.

    As a result, the random variation in each measurement is reduced.

  • True or False?

    Accounting for background count improves the precision of readings.


    Accounting for background count improves the accuracy of readings.

    This is because background count is a form of systematic error (zero error).

  • Why do some nuclei emit radiation?

    Nuclei emit radiation when they are unstable due to having

    • an imbalance of protons or neutrons

    • an excess amount of energy

  • True or False?

    The composition of a nucleus changes following alpha, beta and gamma decay.


    The composition of a nucleus changes following alpha and beta decay, but not following gamma decay.

  • What effect does alpha decay have on a nucleus?

    An alpha particle is a helium nucleus: alpha presubscript 2 presuperscript 4

    When a nucleus emits an alpha particle, the effect is:

    • nucleon number decreases by 4

    • proton number decreases by 2

  • What effect does beta-minus decay have on a nucleus?

    A beta-minus particle is an electron: beta presubscript negative 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0

    When a nucleus emits a beta-minus particle, the effect is:

    • nucleon number stays the same

    • proton number increases by 1

  • What effect does beta-plus decay have on a nucleus?

    A beta-plus particle is a positron: beta presubscript plus 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0

    When a nucleus emits a beta-plus particle, the effect is:

    • nucleon number stays the same

    • proton number decreases by 1

  • What effect does gamma decay have on a nucleus?

    Gamma radiation is electromagnetic radiation: gamma presubscript 0 presuperscript 0

    When a nucleus emits gamma radiation, the effect is:

    • nucleon number stays the same

    • proton number stays the same

  • List the three types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing ionising power.

    The types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing ionising power are:

    • gamma (least ionising, creates fewest ion pairs per cm)

    • beta (creates a moderate amount of ion pairs per cm)

    • alpha (most ionising, creates most ion pairs per cm)

  • List the three types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing penetrating power.

    The types of nuclear radiation in order of increasing penetrating power are:

    • alpha (least penetrating, can be stopped by paper)

    • beta (can stopped by a few mm of aluminium)

    • gamma (most penetrating, can be reduced by a few mm of lead)

  • Why are beta particles affected more than alpha particles when they pass through the same electric field?

    In the same electric field, E, the force, F, on a beta particle will be slightly less due to having a smaller charge, q, but it will have a much greater acceleration, a, due to having a smaller mass, m

    • electric force: F space equals space E q

    • acceleration: a space equals space F over m

  • Why are beta particles affected more than alpha particles when they pass through the same magnetic field?

    In the same perpendicular magnetic field, B, the force, F, on a beta particle will generally be higher as, despite having a smaller charge, q, it will typically travel at a much greater speed, v. It also has a greater acceleration, a, due to having a smaller mass, m

    • magnetic force: F space equals space q v B

    • acceleration: a space equals space F over m

  • True or False?

    Electron anti-neutrinos are emitted during beta-plus decay.


    Electron anti-neutrinos are emitted during beta-minus decay.

    Beta-minus decay is when a neutron turns into a proton and emits a beta-minus particle and an electron anti-neutrino.

  • True or False?

    An electron neutrino is emitted when a proton turns into a neutron.


    An electron neutrino is emitted along with a beta-plus particle when a proton turns into a neutron.

  • True or False?

    Nuclei with too many neutrons decay by either beta-minus decay or beta-plus decay.


    Nuclei with too many neutrons decay by beta-minus decay only.

  • True or False?

    Nuclei with too many protons decay by either beta-plus decay or electron capture.


    Nuclei with too many protons decay by either beta-plus decay or electron capture.

  • True or False?

    Alpha decay usually occurs in small unstable nuclei.


    Nuclei with too many nucleons (protons and neutrons) decay by alpha decay.

    Therefore, alpha decay usually occurs in very large unstable nuclei.

  • True or False?

    Gamma decay usually occurs after alpha or beta decay when a nucleus has too much energy.


    Gamma decay usually occurs after alpha or beta decay when a nucleus becomes excited and has too much energy.

  • Write a nuclear equation for the decay of carbon-14 open parentheses straight C presubscript 6 presuperscript 14 close parentheses into an isotope of nitrogen open parentheses straight N close parentheses by emission of a beta-minus particle.

    The nuclear equation for the decay of carbon-14 is: straight C presubscript 6 presuperscript 14 space rightwards arrow space straight N presubscript 7 presuperscript 14 space plus thin space straight beta presubscript negative 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0 space plus space nu with italic bar on top subscript straight e


    • straight C presubscript 6 presuperscript 14 = carbon-14 isotope

    • straight N presubscript 7 presuperscript 14 = nitrogen-14 isotope

    • straight beta presubscript negative 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0 = beta-minus particle

    • nu with italic bar on top subscript straight e = electron anti-neutrino

  • Write a nuclear equation for the decay of fluorine-18 open parentheses straight F presubscript 9 presuperscript 18 close parentheses into an isotope of oxygen open parentheses straight O close parentheses by emission of a beta-plus particle.

    The nuclear equation for the decay of fluorine-18 is: straight F presubscript 9 presuperscript 18 space rightwards arrow space straight O presubscript 8 presuperscript 18 space plus thin space straight beta presubscript plus 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0 space plus space nu subscript straight e


    • straight F presubscript 9 presuperscript 18 = fluorine-18 isotope

    • straight O presubscript 8 presuperscript 18 = oxygen-18 isotope

    • straight beta presubscript plus 1 end presubscript presuperscript 0 = beta-plus particle

    • nu subscript e = electron neutrino

  • Write a nuclear equation for the decay of polonium-212 open parentheses Po presubscript 84 presuperscript 212 close parentheses into an isotope of lead open parentheses Pb close parentheses by emission of an alpha particle.

    The nuclear equation for the decay of polonium-212 is: Po presubscript 84 presuperscript 212 space rightwards arrow space Pb presubscript 82 presuperscript 208 space plus thin space straight alpha presubscript 2 presuperscript 4


    • Po presubscript 84 presuperscript 212 = polonium-212 isotope

    • Pb presubscript 82 presuperscript 208 = lead-208 isotope

    • straight alpha presubscript 2 presuperscript 4 = alpha particle

  • What is the activity of a radioactive source?

    Activity is the number of nuclei which decay in a given time. It is measured in becquerels.

  • What is 1 becquerel (Bq)?

    One becquerel (Bq) is equivalent to a nucleus decaying every second.

  • What is the difference between activity and count rate?

    Activity is the rate at which radiation is emitted, whereas count rate is the rate at which radiation is detected.

  • Define the term half-life.

    Half-life is the time taken for half the undecayed nuclei of a particular isotope in any sample to decay.

    It is also the time taken for the activity of a source to fall to half its original value.

  • True or False?

    Different isotopes of the same element have the same half-life.


    The half-life for a particular isotope is a constant value. Therefore, different isotopes have different half-lives.

  • What is the value of the activity of a radioactive sample after two half-lives?

    The value of the activity of a radioactive sample after two half-lives is 1 fourth of its original value.

  • What proportion of original nuclei in a radioactive sample will remain after three half-lives?

    After three half-lives, the proportion of original nuclei remaining in the sample will be 1 over 8.

  • How is the half-life of an isotope determined from a graph of activity against time?

    To determine the half-life of an isotope on a graph of activity over time:

    • identify the point at which the activity has halved and draw a line to the curve

    • track that point down to the time axis

  • What is the half-life of the following sample?

    Graph showing activity in counts per second versus time in hours, with activity decreasing from 800 to 100 as time increases from 0 to 15 hours.

    The half-life of the sample is 5 hours:

    • half-life is the time taken for the activity to fall to half its original value

    • the time for the activity to fall from 800 to 400 counts per second is 5 hours

  • Name four uses of radioactivity.

    Uses of radioactivity include:

    • nuclear power

    • medicine e.g. radiotherapy, tracers and sterilising equipment

    • carbon dating

    • determining the age of rocks

    • detecting leaks in underground pipes

    • controlling the thickness of materials

    • smoke detectors

  • How can carbon dating be used to determine the age of once-living matter?

    Carbon dating is a method used to determine the age of once-living matter by

    • measuring the ratio of carbon-14 atoms to carbon-12 atoms that it contains

    • comparing this to the well-known ratio in living matter

    • using the half-life of carbon-14 to determine the time that has passed

  • How can uranium-lead dating be used to determine the age of the Earth?

    Uranium-lead dating can be used to determine the age of the Earth by

    • assuming the sample starts with 100% uranium and finishes with 100% lead

    • determining the percentage of these two elements in a rock

    • estimating the time since the decays started

  • What are the ideal properties of a radionuclide used for detecting leaks in underground pipes?

    The ideal properties of a radionuclide used for detecting leaks in underground pipes are:

    • gamma emitter - this is the most penetrating type of radiation

    • short half-life - activity needs to be at detectable levels but not for too long

  • Why is beta radiation used to monitor the thickness of materials?

    Beta radiation is used to monitor the thickness of materials because

    • it can penetrate materials such as paper and aluminium foil

    • the amount of beta radiation detected depends on the material thickness

  • Which type of radiation is used in smoke detectors?

    Alpha radiation is used in smoke detectors.

  • Why is gamma radiation used in the treatment of cancer?

    Gamma radiation is used in radiotherapy (the treatment of cancer) because

    • it can damage or kill cancerous cells

    • it is penetrating enough to reach cancerous cells in the body

  • What is a radioactive tracer?

    A radioactive tracer is a substance containing a radionuclide which is introduced into a system and tracked by detecting the radiation it emits.

  • What are the ideal properties of a radioactive tracer in medical imaging, such as technetium-99m?

    The ideal properties of a radioactive tracer in medical imaging, such as technetium-99m are:

    • gamma emitter - penetrating enough to be detected outside the body

    • short half-life - activity needs to be at detectable levels for the duration of the test, but not for long after

  • Why is gamma radiation used in the sterilisation of food and equipment?

    Gamma radiation is used in the sterilisation of food and equipment because

    • it is highly penetrating, so it is able to irradiate entire surfaces

    • it is ionising enough to kill bacteria and viruses

  • Define mass defect.

    Mass defect is the difference between the mass of a nucleus and the total mass of all the constituent nucleons if they were separated.

  • True or False?

    Mass defect and binding energy are equivalent.


    Mass defect and binding energy are equivalent.

  • Define nuclear binding energy.

    Nuclear binding energy is the energy required to separate a nucleus into its constituent nucleons.

  • What causes a mass defect in the nucleus?

    Mass defect is caused by the energy released when a nucleus forms, or the energy needed to separate all the nucleons in a nucleus.

  • True or False?

    A system of separate nucleons has a greater total mass than a system of nucleons bound in a nucleus.


    A system of separated nucleons has a greater mass than a system of nucleons bound in a nucleus.

  • True or False?

    The term mass defect can be used to describe any change in mass that occurs in a nuclear reaction.


    The term mass defect can only be used to describe the change in mass when all the nucleons are separated (equivalent to binding energy).

    The decrease in mass which occurs during nuclear reactions (e.g. radioactive decay) should not be described as a mass defect.

  • What equation is used to convert mass to its equivalent energy?

    The equation used to convert mass to its equivalent energy is: increment E space equals space increment m c squared


    • increment E = change in energy, measured in joules (J)

    • increment m = change in mass, or mass defect, measured in kilograms (kg)

    • c = speed of light in a vacuum (3.00 × 108 m s-1)

  • Define atomic mass unit (u).

    An atomic mass unit (u) is 1 over 12 the mass of a neutral atom of carbon-12.

  • Define binding energy per nucleon.

    Binding energy per nucleon is the binding energy of a nucleus divided by the number of nucleons.

  • True or False?

    A low binding energy per nucleon means a nucleus is more stable.


    A low binding energy per nucleon means a nucleus is less stable.

    It means less energy would be required to separate the nucleons in the nucleus.

  • Sketch the curve of binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number.

    Include the regions of fusion, fission and the position of iron-56.

    A blank graph with the y-axis labelled "Binding energy per nucleon" and the x-axis labelled "Nucleon number A." Both axes start at zero.

    The curve of binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number is:

    Graph showing binding energy per nucleon vs nucleon number A, with iron-56 marked at peak. Fusion and fission regions indicated, with binding energy increasing at lower values of A then decreasing at higher values of A.
  • What does the steeper gradient at low values of A on the binding energy curve indicate?

    The steeper gradient at low values of A indicates that fusion reactions release greater binding energy than fission reactions.

  • Why do heavy nuclei undergo fission?

    Heavy nuclei undergo fission because they have high binding energies per nucleon, but this gradually decreases with A, making the heaviest elements the most unstable.

  • True or False?

    In both fusion and fission, the mass of the original nuclei is greater than the mass of the products.


    In both fusion and fission, the mass of the original nuclei is greater than the mass of the products. This missing mass has been converted into energy.

  • What is the strong nuclear force?

    The strong nuclear force is an attractive force which acts between nucleons and holds the nucleus together.

  • What is the range of the strong nuclear force?

    The range of the strong nuclear force is between 0.5 and 3.0 fm, where:

    • it is repulsive below a separation of 0.5 fm

    • it is attractive up to a separation of 3.0 fm

  • At what separation does the strong nuclear force have a maximum attractive value?

    The strong nuclear force has its maximum attractive value at a separation of around 1.0 fm.

  • What is meant by the equilibrium position in terms of the strong nuclear force?

    The equilibrium position is the point where the resultant force is zero and occurs at a separation of about 0.5 fm.