Spontaneous & Induced Fission (HL IB Physics)

Revision Note

Katie M


Katie M

Last updated

Spontaneous & Induced Fission

  • There is a lot of energy stored within the nucleus of an atom
    • This energy can be released in a nuclear reaction such as fission or fusion
  • Nuclear fission is defined as:

The splitting of a large, unstable nucleus into two smaller nuclei

  • Isotopes of uranium and plutonium both undergo fission and are used as fuels in nuclear power stations to convert nuclear energy into electrical energy
  • During fission, when a neutron collides with an unstable nucleus, the nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei (called daughter nuclei) as well as two or three neutrons
    • Gamma rays are also emitted

nuclear-fission, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Large nuclei can decay by fission to produce smaller nuclei and neutrons with a lot of kinetic energy

  • The products of fission move away very quickly
  • This is because energy is transferred from the nuclear potential energy store of a nucleus to the kinetic energy store of the fission fragments
    • This energy is then carried away as heat

Spontaneous Fission

  • It is rare for nuclei to undergo fission without additional energy being put into the nucleus
  • When nuclear fission occurs in this way it is called spontaneous fission

Induced Fission

  • Usually, for fission to occur the unstable nucleus must first absorb a neutron
    • This will be slow moving, often called a 'thermal' neutral
  • Take, for example, uranium-235, which is commonly used as a fuel in nuclear reactors
  • It has a very long half-life of 700 million years
  • This means that it would have low activity and energy would be released only if it was to have additional neutrons added


  • During induced fission, a neutron is absorbed by the uranium-235 nucleus to make uranium-236
    • This is very unstable and splits by nuclear fission almost immediately

Worked example

During a particular spontaneous fission reaction, plutonium-239 splits as shown in the equation below:

WE Fission equation example, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Which answer shows the section missing from this equation?

WE Spontaneous Fission Question image, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes


Step 1: Identify the different mass and atomic numbers

  • Pu (Plutonium) has mass number 239 and atomic number 94
  • Pd (Palladium) has mass number 112 and atomic number 46
  • Cd (Cadmium) has mass number 124 and atomic number 48

Step 2: Calculate the mass and atomic number of the missing section

  • Mass number is equal to the difference between the mass numbers of the reactants and the products

239 – (112 + 124) = 3

  • Atomic number is equal to the difference between the atomic numbers of the reactants and the products

94 – (46 + 48) = 0

  • The answer is therefore not B or C

Step 3: Determine the correct notation

  • Neutrons have a mass number of 1
  • The answer is therefore not A
  • Therefore, this must be three neutrons, which corresponds to D

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Expertise: Physics

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.