Functions Toolkit (DP IB Analysis & Approaches (AA))



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  • What is a one-to-one mapping?

    A one-to-one mapping is a transformation where each input is mapped to exactly one unique output, and no two inputs are mapped to the same output.

  • True or False?

    A many-to-one mapping can be a function.


    A many-to-one mapping can be a function.

  • What is the vertical line test?

    The vertical line test is a method to determine if a graph represents a function.

    If a graph does represent a function, then any vertical line should intersect with the graph once at most.

  • What is the domain of a function?

    The domain of a function is the set of values that are used as inputs for the function.

  • What is the range of a function?

    The range of a function is the set of values that are given as outputs by the function.

  • What symbol is used to represent the set of all real numbers?

    straight real numbers represents the set of all real numbers (i.e. all the numbers that can be placed on a number line).

  • What does straight rational numbers represent?

    straight rational numbers represents the set of all rational numbers, a over b, where a and b are integers and b not equal to 0.

  • What is a composite function?

    A composite function is a function made up of two or more functions. One function is applied to another function, e.g. open parentheses f ring operator g close parentheses open parentheses x close parentheses.

  • True or False?

    The order in which the functions in a composite function are applied does not matter.


    The order in which the functions in a composite function are applied does matter. open parentheses f ring operator g close parentheses open parentheses x close parentheses is not usually equivalent to open parentheses g ring operator f close parentheses open parentheses x close parentheses.

    Always apply the function closest to the variable first.

    E.g. for the composite function open parentheses f ring operator g close parentheses open parentheses x close parentheses, you must first apply the function g followed by the function f.

  • To find the domain and range of a composite function, what is the first step you need to take?

    To find the domain and range of a composite function, the first step is you need to take is to find the range of the first function that is applied.

    E.g. To find the domain and range for the function open parentheses f ring operator g close parentheses open parentheses x close parentheses, you must first find the range of g.

  • True or False?

    An inverse function reverses the effect of a function.


    An inverse function reverses the effect of a function.

  • True or False?

    Only a many-to-one function has an inverse function.


    A many-to-one function does not have an inverse function.

    Only one-to-one functions have inverses.

  • What is the horizontal line test?

    The horizontal line test is a method to determine if a function has an inverse.

    If a function has an inverse, then any horizontal line should intersect with the graph once at most.

  • What is the relationship between the domain of a function and its inverse function?

    The domain of a function becomes the range of its inverse function.

  • State the relationship between the graphs of f open parentheses x close parenthesesand f to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses x close parentheses.

    The graph y equals f to the power of negative 1 end exponent open parentheses x close parentheses is a reflection of the graph y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses in the line y equals x.

    A set of axes showing the graph y = f(x) and it's inverse y = f^-1(x) as a reflection in the line y = x.
  • How is continuity determined in piecewise functions?

    Continuity in piecewise functions is determined by checking whether the function values match at the boundaries between intervals.

    E.g. The piecewise function f open parentheses x close parentheses equals open curly brackets table row cell x plus 8 end cell cell 2 less than x less or equal than 5 end cell row cell 4 x minus 7 end cell cell 5 less than x less or equal than 10 end cell end table close is continuous, because at the boundary between the two intervals, x equals 5, the output is the same: open parentheses 5 close parentheses plus 8 equals 13 and 4 open parentheses 5 close parentheses minus 7 equals 13.

  • What is the identity function?

    The identity function maps each value in a function to itself.

    id open parentheses x close parentheses equals x.

  • If two composite functions,space f ring operator g and space g ring operator f, have the same effect as the identity function, what can be said about the functions space f and space g? 

    If two composite functions,space f ring operator g and space g ring operator f, have the same effect as the identity function, then the functions space f and space g must be inverse functions of each other.

  • How do you determine if a point open parentheses a comma space b close parentheses lies on the graph y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses?

    A point open parentheses a comma space b close parentheses lies on the graph y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses if f open parentheses a close parentheses equals b.

  • What is the difference between the command terms 'draw' and 'sketch' when graphing?

    To sketch: show the general shape of the graph and label key points and axes.

    To draw: use a pencil and ruler to draw the graph to scale, plot points accurately, join points with a smooth curve or a straight line, and label key points and axes.

  • Define asymptote.

    An asymptote is a line which the graph will get closer and closer to but not touch.

  • True or False?

    Most GDC models will automatically plot asymptotes.


    Most GDC makes/models will not plot or show asymptotes just from inputting a function.

  • How can you use graphs to solve the equation f open parentheses x close parentheses equals a?

    Plot the graphs y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses and y equals a on your GDC, and find the points of intersection.

    The x-coordinates are the solutions of the equation.

  • Define local minimum (maximum).

    A local minimum (maximum) is a point at which the graph reaches the minimum (maximum) value that it takes in the immediate vicinity of the point. The graph may reach lower (higher) values further away from the point.

    It is also called a turning point.

  • True or False?

    A local minimum/maximum is always the global minimum/maximum of a function.


    A local minimum/maximum is not necessarily the global minimum/maximum (the minimum/maximum of the whole graph).