DP IB Applications & Interpretation (AI):
Past Papers & Practice Papers

Practice Papers

Save My Exams Practice Papers have been crafted by our team of DP IB Applications & Interpretation (AI) experts to provide you with even more exam practice. These papers include a range of realistic exam-style questions that mirror what you'll see in an actual exam.

Practice Papers

Model Answers

Set C: Paper 2 (HL) (QP)
Set C: Paper 1 (HL) (QP)
Set B: Paper 2 (HL) (QP)
Set B: Paper 1 (HL) (QP)
Set A: Paper 3 (HL) (QP)
Set A: Paper 2 (HL) (QP)
Set A: Paper 1 (HL) (QP)
Set A: Paper 1 (SL) (QP)
Set A: Paper 2 (SL) (QP)
Set B: Paper 1 (SL) (QP)
Set B: Paper 2 (SL) (QP)
Set C: Paper 1 (SL) (QP)
Set C: Paper 2 (SL) (QP)

Visit all of our DP IB Past Papers here.