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is a random variable.
Write in terms of , where and are constants.
If is a random variable, then , where and are constants.
This equation is given in your exam formula booklet.
is a random variable.
Write in terms of , where and are constants.
If is a random variable, then, where and are constants.
Adding or subtracting a constant does not affect the variance.
This equation is given in your exam formula booklet.
True or False?
Variance can never be negative.
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Tell us what you think
is a random variable.
Write in terms of , where and are constants.
If is a random variable, then , where and are constants.
This equation is given in your exam formula booklet.
is a random variable.
Write in terms of , where and are constants.
If is a random variable, then, where and are constants.
Adding or subtracting a constant does not affect the variance.
This equation is given in your exam formula booklet.
True or False?
Variance can never be negative.
Write in terms of and .
This equation is not given in your exam formula booklet.
Write in terms of and .
This equation is not given in your exam formula booklet.
True or False?
True or False?
What condition must and satisfy in order for the formula to be true?
and must be independent in order for the formula to be true.
True or False?
This is given in the formula booklet.
You need to square the coefficients of the random variables.
and are independent observations of a random variable with variance .
Write in terms of .
and are independent observations of a random variable with variance .
True or False?
If and are independent observations of the random variable , then .
If and are independent observations of the random variable with variance , then .
and .
If and are independent observations of the random variable , then what is the difference between and ?
If and are independent observations of the random variable , then :
is where two observations are taken and added together,
whereas is where one observation is taken and doubled.
True or False?
If and are observations of the random variable , then .
If and are observations of the random variable with mean , then . Both are equal to .
True or False?
If , then also follows a Poisson distribution.
If , then does not follow a Poisson distribution.
and , therefore .
What is an estimator?
An estimator is a random variable that is used to estimate a population parameter.
What does it mean if an estimator is unbiased?
An estimator is called unbiased if its expected value is equal to the population parameter.
True or False?
The sample mean is an unbiased estimate for the population mean.
The sample mean is an unbiased estimate for the population mean.
True or False?
The variance of a sample is an unbiased estimate for the population variance.
The variance of a sample is a biased estimate for the population variance.
What is the formula for an unbiased estimate of the population variance?
The formula for an unbiased estimate of the population variance is .
This formula is given in your exam formula booklet.
True or False?
, the formula is similar to the formula for the variance of a sample, except for the denominator.
What is the difference between and , in terms of what they represent?
represents the variance of a sample when it is treated as a population, whereas is an unbiased estimate for the population variance using a sample.
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