Pre-event Management Strategies - Volcanoes
- There are signs warning of an eruption before most volcanic eruptions
- Pre-event management of volcanoes includes monitoring these signs so that people can be evacuated and warned
- Volcanologists (scientists who study volcanoes) monitor changes using GPS, tilt meters, satellites, seismometers and gas detection
- Signs of an eruption include:
- Magma rising, which can be detected by heat sensors and satellites
- Changes in surface level as rising magma causes bulges
- Increased emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases
- Increased seismic activity caused by magma movement detected by seismometers
Methods of monitoring volcanoes
Methods of monitoring volcanoes
- Improved prediction of volcanic eruptions has led to a decrease in death tolls
Diversion channels
- Lava flows can be managed by constructing diversion channels
- These are used to direct the flow away from economically valuable areas or areas of population