Effects on People & Places
- Employment
- Loss of job opportunities due to changes in tourism and agriculture
- Tourism may decline in some areas for example ski resorts may close due to the lack of reliable snow
- Coastal resorts may be at risk of flooding leading to the closure
- Decline in fishing in some areas due to changing ocean temperatures
- Farmers either change the crop they grow or livestock they raise or face having to leave farming
- Homes
- Increased flooding due to sea level rise and increased frequency and severity of storms will lead to displacement of large numbers of people
- Homes in low-lying areas may have to be abandoned or need additional defences against sea level rise
- Moving settlements or improving flood defences will be costly
- Social
- Global warming is leading to increased human migration, particularly from low-lying islands
- Some residents of Kiribati, South Pacific, have already abandoned their homes and claiming environmental refugee status
- The UN’s refugee agency, estimates that 1.2 billion people could be displaced globally by 2050 due to climate change and natural disasters
- Problems such as hunger and conflict will increase as resources decline or change, which will also drive economic, social and cultural changes
- LICs are more likely to be affected by changes as they are economically and technologically held back
- 65% of workers in Bangladesh are involved in agriculture, however, this industry is threatened by floods and sea level rise
- Global warming is leading to increased human migration, particularly from low-lying islands