Urban Microclimate Modification
- Cities create their own microclimate domes
- This means that they have unique:
- Temperature ranges
- Wind patterns
- Clouds and precipitation rates
- Pollution
- Urban microclimates vary according to urban areas’ size, shape and location
- There are several causes, some of which include:
- Changes to land surfaces: concrete, brick and tarmac
- Cities have fewer trees than surrounding rural areas
- Trees shade the ground, preventing heat from the sun from being absorbed
- Dark rooftops and dark pavement absorb more solar radiation
- Tall buildings reflect and absorb sunlight
- Cars engines and factory exhaust produce heat
- Fewer plants in urban settings mean that less evapo-transpiration occurs (a process that cools the air)
- Poor building insulation means the release of heat at night
- Within these microclimate domes, there are two levels:
- Urban canopy - processes act in the spaces between buildings below roof level
- Urban boundary - processes acting above roof level and extends downwind as a plume into the surrounding rural areas
- Patterns of precipitation and air quality are extended to immediate areas via the prevailing winds
A diagram of the microclimate dome
A microclimate dome
- Urban climates have the following characteristics:
- Lower relative humidity
- 2-3 weeks fewer frosts
- Greater diurnal temperature range: higher max and min temperatures as compared to rural areas
- Pollution levels are higher
- Fog and photochemical smog are likely
- 5–10% more cloud
- 5–15% more precipitation
- Increased thunderstorms
- Lower wind speeds, with the exception of the tunnelling effect
- Varying pressure gradients
Urban Heat Island Effect
- The air in urban areas can be 2 - 5°C warmer than nearby rural areas
- This is known as the urban heat island (UHI) effect
- The UHI is most noticeable when there is little wind
- The highest temperatures are found in densely built-up areas and industrial areas, where activities generate more heat
- Temperature sinks (where temperatures fall) are found above green spaces and water - e.g. parks and lakes
- Temperature plateaus (where temperatures remain the same) occur in areas with the same land use - e.g. industrial areas
- Temperature cliffs (where temperatures increase) occur when temperatures change rapidly from one land use to another - e.g. suburban housing to high-rise inner city buildings
Illustration of the urban heat island effect
Urban heat island effect
London's urban heat island - note how the isotherms curve around open areas such as Epping Forest, indicating large areas of reduced temperature. Central London shows a greater concentration of heat due to high density land use
Causes of the urban heat island effect
- The main causes of the UHI effect are:
- Air pollution: pollution from cars, industry, etc. increases cloud cover and produces a pollution dome. Both of these trap outgoing heat and reflect it to the surface
- Heat from human activities: air conditioning units, heating homes and offices, etc.—all release heat into the surrounding area
- Absorption of heat by urban surfaces: urban surfaces have a low albedo. Tall buildings reflect and absorb sunlight
- Less evapotranspiration: removal of green spaces and trees reduces the cooling effect of evapotranspiration
Diurnal and seasonal temperatures
- There is a larger range between daytime and night-time temperatures (diurnal range), compared to rural differences
- In urban areas, daytime temperatures are approximately 0.6°C warmer and night-time temperatures can be up to 4°C warmer
- Rural areas do not store as much energy and release heat quicker than urban areas
- Average urban summertime temperatures can be as much as 5°C warmer in mid-latitude cities, with average winter temperatures of 2°C warmer
- Temperatures can increase during periods of anticyclonic weather (high pressures)
- These produce clear skies and low winds
- Which allow greater insolation to reach urban surfaces
- The low winds prevent warm air from being dispersed