Urban Areas (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Understanding Urban Areas

What is an urban area?

  • An urban area is a built-up environment with:

    • A high population density

    • A large concentration of buildings and man-made infrastructure

  • Urban areas serve as centres for residential, cultural, economic, trade and social activities

  • Cities, towns and suburbs are examples of urban areas

  • Urban areas contrast with rural areas

    • Rural areas have:

      • Lower population densities

      • More dispersed settlements, often focused on agriculture and natural landscapes

    • For example, London, UK, is a large urban area with dense population, infrastructure and cultural hubs whereas the Lake District in the UK is a rural area with scattered villages and a focus on agriculture and tourism

Urban ecosystems

  • Urban ecosystems are unique environments found within cities and towns

    • They occur where human activities interact with natural elements like plants, animals and climate

  • These ecosystems have both biotic components (living organisms like plants, animals and humans) and abiotic components (non-living parts like soil, water, air and urban infrastructure).

Types of urban ecosystems

  • Residential gardens:

    • Gardens found in residential areas are important urban ecosystems, providing habitats for plants, birds, insects and small mammals

    • These areas also help to improve air quality and reduce the effects of urban heat islands

  • Industrial sites:

    • Industrial areas include factories, warehouses and other business operations

    • These areas may cause pollution, but some are now being redeveloped with green spaces to improve the environment

  • Inner-city derelict land:

    • Abandoned or derelict land in cities can become important for wildlife and urban regeneration projects

    • These areas often develop biodiversity as nature reclaims the land

  • Green areas and open spaces:

    • Urban parks and green spaces are essential ecosystems, offering habitats for animals, improving air quality and providing recreational space for people

  • Traffic corridors:

    • Areas alongside roads and railways form their own ecosystems, with hardy plants and animals that can survive in polluted or disturbed environments

    • Urban planners can design green corridors along these routes to help connect different wildlife habitats within cities

  • Cemeteries:

    • Cemeteries are often quiet, green spaces within urban areas that support a wide range of plant and animal life

    • They can act as biodiversity hotspots, with trees, grass and other vegetation supporting birds, insects and small mammals

  • Waste disposal areas:

    • Landfills and waste treatment plants are part of urban ecosystems

    • Although they can cause pollution, they are also home to certain species of birds, insects and bacteria that thrive in waste environments

  • Forests, fields and water bodies:

    • Some urban areas contain patches of forests, fields, lakes or rivers, which provide crucial habitats for wildlife and help with urban temperature regulation

Components of urban ecosystems

  • Biotic components:

    • Plants (trees, shrubs, grass) found in parks, gardens and along streets

    • Animals such as birds, insects and mammals

    • Humans, whose activities like construction, gardening and commuting shape the ecosystem

    • Microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi that break down waste and enrich soil

  • Abiotic components:

    • Soil: essential for plant growth in urban parks and gardens

    • Water: found in rivers, lakes and urban infrastructure like water supply systems

    • Air: clean air is important for health but urban areas often face challenges with air pollution

    • Climate: urban areas often create a microclimate, with higher temperatures due to buildings and infrastructure

    • Urban infrastructure: buildings, roads, bridges and other structures are integral to urban ecosystems, affecting how people and nature interact

Exam Tip

Make sure you can clearly explain the differences between urban and rural areas in terms of population density, infrastructure, and ecosystem types.

Urban Systems

  • An urban system is a network of interconnected elements that work together to support life in a city or town

  • Urban systems involve:

    • Buildings

    • Transport

    • Power and energy supply

    • Water supply

    • Sewage systems

    • Plants and animals

    • Humans

Components of urban systems

Buildings and infrastructure

  • Buildings form the core of an urban system, providing residential, commercial and industrial spaces

  • Infrastructure such as roads, bridges and utilities (electricity, water and waste) connects and supports the functioning of the urban area


  • Urban areas rely on transport systems like roads, railways and buses to move people and goods

  • Efficient transport systems are essential to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution

    • For example, London’s Underground is a major part of the city's urban transport system, helping to reduce road traffic

Power and energy

  • Urban systems require energy to power homes, businesses and industries

    • This energy can come from fossil fuels, nuclear power or renewable sources

    • Ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply is vital for cities to function properly

Water and sewage

  • Water supply systems provide clean water for drinking, washing and other daily needs

  • Sewage systems remove and treat wastewater to prevent pollution and maintain hygiene


  • Cities create their own microclimates

    • They often become warmer than surrounding rural areas (urban heat island effect)

    • This is due to the high concentration of human activities and infrastructure

  • Urban planners consider green spaces and certain building designs and materials to manage urban microclimates

Humans, plants and animals

  • Urban systems support human populations, as well as urban wildlife and plants in parks, gardens and green areas

    • These living (biotic) components of urban ecosystems provide recreational spaces and contribute to air quality and biodiversity

Other factors in urban systems

Urban waste and pollution

  • Cities generate large amounts of waste and pollution, including solid waste, air pollution and water contamination

    • Managing waste and reducing pollution is critical to maintaining urban efficiency and public health

Urban efficiency

  • Urban efficiency refers to how well a city uses its resources, including energy, water and transport systems

    • More efficient urban systems can reduce waste, cut down pollution and improve quality of life for residents

Urban sustainability

  • Sustainability is about ensuring that urban systems can meet the needs of the present without harming future generations

    • Sustainable cities focus on reducing their environmental impact by using renewable energy, reducing waste and promoting green spaces

  • Urban systems can operate with different types of resource management

    • They might follow either a linear or circular metabolism approach, which affects sustainability and waste management in cities

    • Linear metabolism cities:

      • These are cities that follow a 'take, use, dispose' approach

      • Resources (like energy and water) are used once and then discarded as waste

      • This leads to high levels of consumption and pollution

    • Circular metabolism cities:

      • These are cities that focus on recycling, reusing, and reducing waste

      • This approach aims to minimise resource use by creating a closed-loop system where outputs (like waste) are reused as inputs (e.g. recycling materials or generating energy from waste)

Urban resilience

  • Resilience refers to a city's ability to recover from challenges like natural disasters, climate change or economic crises

    • Resilient urban systems have strong infrastructure, emergency services and disaster preparedness plans

    • For example, after Hurricane Katrina (2005), the city of New Orleans, USA, improved its flood defences and urban infrastructure to increase resilience against future disasters

Urban system flow diagram

  • An urban system can be represented using a systems flow diagram by showing how resources (inputs) move through the city, are used, and generate outputs like waste and pollution

  1. Inputs: the resources a city needs to function

    • Examples: energy (electricity, fuel), water, food, goods (materials for buildings and infrastructure), and labour (human workforce)

  2. Processes: how the city uses these inputs in its daily operations

    • Examples: buildings, transport systems, services (healthcare, education), and infrastructure (roads, power plants, water supply)

  3. Outputs: the results of urban processes, often in the form of waste

    • Examples: solid domestic waste (rubbish, recycling), pollution (air and water), and sewage

  4. Feedback: information or actions that help the system improve in efficiency, sustainability, and resilience

    • Examples: urban planning decisions (like building more green spaces), implementing renewable energy, and waste management initiatives

Awaiting image: Urban system flow diagram

Image caption: Cities of different types, as well as other urban systems such as towns or industrial sites, can be represented using system flow diagrams

Exam Tip

Urban areas work as systems, so be sure you can explain how the various parts of an urban system—like transport, energy, and waste—interact with each other. For example, as urban systems are highly interconnected, you could be asked to explain how improvements in one area (e.g. transport) can positively affect other areas (e.g. pollution).

Don’t confuse terms like efficiency, sustainability, and resilience!

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.