Monitoring & Assessing Water Quality (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Monitoring & Assessing Water Quality

  • Water quality is the measurement of chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water

    • Chemical characteristics include: levels of dissolved substances like minerals, pollutants and nutrients

    • Physical characteristics include water clarity, temperature and turbidity (cloudiness)

    • Biological characteristics include the presence of microorganisms (e.g. bacteria) and invasive species

  • Water quality is highly variable and is often measured using a water quality index (WQI)

    • Scientists use various tests to measure different water quality parameters

    • A water quality index is then calculated

    • This combines multiple measurements into a single value or score

    • This provides an assessment of the overall water quality of a particular water body

    • This index helps in easily communicating the quality of the water body to the public and policymakers

      • E.g. indicating whether water quality is good, acceptable, or poor for various uses such as drinking, recreation and aquatic organisms

    • A high WQI indicates good water quality

Water quality parameters

  • Some of the different water quality parameters that can be used are:

  1. Dissolved oxygen (DO)

    • Measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in water

    • Sufficient oxygen levels are important for the survival of aquatic organisms

    • Low dissolved oxygen can lead to hypoxia

      • This can suffocate or kill aquatic life

  2. pH

    • Measures the acidity or alkalinity of water

    • pH impacts the survival, growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms

    • Unusual pH levels can indicate pollution, acidification, or other environmental changes

  3. Temperature

    • Measures the degree of heat or coldness of water

    • Temperature affects the metabolic rates, behaviour and distribution of aquatic organisms

    • Abnormal temperature fluctuations can stress or kill aquatic life

  4. Nitrates and phosphates

    • Measuring nitrates and phosphates assesses nutrient pollution in water

    • High nutrient levels can lead to eutrophication

    • Monitoring nutrient concentrations helps manage nutrient inputs and prevent water quality degradation

  5. Metals

    • Testing for metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, or arsenic assesses contamination levels

    • Metals can accumulate in aquatic organisms

      • This poses risks to their health and the health of organisms in higher trophic levels

    • Monitoring metal concentrations helps identify pollution sources and evaluate potential ecological impacts

  6. Total suspended solids (TSS)

    • TSS is the concentration of solid particles suspended in water

    • High levels of TSS can decrease water quality by blocking sunlight

      • This reduces photosynthesis in aquatic plants and disrupts aquatic food chains

    • Suspended solids can also smother the gills or breathing apparatus of aquatic invertebrates and fish

    • High TSS can be a sign of erosion, wastewater discharge, or runoff from urban and agricultural areas, leading to habitat degradation

  7. Turbidity

    • Turbidity measures the clarity or cloudiness of water

      • This is affected by suspended particles

    • High turbidity can reduce light penetration

      • This reduces photosynthesis in aquatic plants and visibility for predators and prey

    • High turbidity can indicate soil erosion or urban, agricultural or industrial run-off

Diagram showing how turbidity increases as the level of sediment present in the water samples increases
Turbidity increases as the level of sediment present in the water samples increases

Measuring key abiotic factors in aquatic systems

Abiotic factor

How abiotic factor is measured

Dissolved oxygen (DO)

Measured using an oxygen meter equipped with a probe


pH levels are determined using a pH meter equipped with a probe


Water temperature is assessed using a digital thermometer or a temperature probe

Nitrate and phosphate concentrations

Measured using test kits, specific to each nutrient

These kits use colorimetric tests where the water sample reacts with chemicals, producing a colour change corresponding to the concentration level of the nutrient

Total suspended solids (TSS)

Measured by filtering a known volume of water through a pre-weighed filter paper, then drying and weighing the paper again

The difference in weight represents the mass of TSS collected

This can then be converted to a concentration


Measured using a Secchi disc—a black and white disc lowered into the water

The depth at which the disc disappears from sight is recorded

This indicates light penetration and turbidity in the water column

Diagram showing how a Secchi disc can be used to measure water turbidity
An example of how a Secchi disc can be used to measure water turbidity
  • These parameters provide valuable information about the health and condition of aquatic ecosystems

  • It is crucial to compare readings from various locations, such as upstream and downstream of a sewage outlet or factory, to assess any potential impacts on the ecosystem

  • Monitoring and analysing these parameters at regular intervals helps scientists, environmental agencies and policymakers to:

    • Understand the overall water quality

    • Identify potential issues

    • Implement appropriate management strategies to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems

Photograph of a factory by a water body
Measuring water pollution parameters near factory outlets is vital to assessing the impact on ecosystems (photo by Tarek Badr on Unsplash)

Exam Tip

Turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) are closely related but are not exactly the same thing.

Turbidity focuses on the effect—it measures how light scatters and absorbs due to suspended particles, making the water cloudy. It doesn't tell you the exact amount or type of these particles, just their presence and impact on light.

TSS focuses on the cause—it measures the actual mass of all the suspended particles in a water sample and is given as a concentration e.g. milligrams per litre (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm).

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

  • Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the amount of dissolved oxygen required to break down the organic material in a given volume of water through aerobic biological activity

  • Aerobic organisms rely on oxygen for respiration

  • When there is a higher abundance of organisms or an increased rate of respiration, more oxygen is consumed

  • This means that the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is influenced by:

    • The quantity of aerobic organisms present in the water

    • The rate at which these organisms respire

  • BOD can be used as an indirect measure to evaluate:

    • The amount of organic matter within a sample

    • The pollution levels in water

      • The introduction of organic pollutants, such as sewage, leads to an increase in the population of organisms that feed on and break down the pollutants

      • This, in turn, results in increased BOD values

      • Certain species, such as bloodworms and Tubifex worms, show tolerance to organic pollution and the associated low oxygen levels

      • On the other hand, mayfly nymphs and stonefly larvae are typically only found in clean-water environments

Photograph of Tubifex worms
Tubifex worms are able to withstand quite polluted water (Matthias Tilly, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Example of how BOD is used to indirectly measure the amount of organic matter within a sample

  • Higher BOD values indicate a larger amount of organic matter present in the water sample

    • This is because more oxygen is needed for its decomposition

  • By measuring the decrease in dissolved oxygen levels over a specific incubation period, BOD provides an estimate of the organic load or pollution level in the water

  • BOD values are typically expressed in milligrams of oxygen consumed per litre of water (mg/L) or as a percentage of the initial dissolved oxygen level

  • The BOD test involves:

    • Collecting a water sample in a closed container

    • Measuring the initial dissolved oxygen concentration

    • Re-measuring the dissolved oxygen concentration after a specific incubation period (usually 5 days) at a constant temperature (usually 20℃)

  • For example:

    • A water sample has an initial dissolved oxygen concentration of 8 mg/L

    • After 5 days, the dissolved oxygen concentration decreases to 2 mg/L

    • The BOD value would be calculated as 8 mg/L - 2 mg/L = 6 mg/L

      • As the dissolved oxygen levels have decreased substantially, this indicates that the sample has a relatively high organic load

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.