Atmospheric Circulation & Ocean Currents (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Tricellular Model of Atmospheric Circulation

Global atmospheric circulation

  • Global atmospheric circulation can be described as the worldwide system of winds that move solar heat energy from the equator to the poles to reach a balance in temperature

Wind formation

  • Air always moves from areas of higher pressure to lower pressure and this movement of air generates wind

    • Winds are large scale movements of air due to differences in air pressure

    • This pressure difference is because the Sun heats the Earth's surface unevenly

    • Insolation that reaches the Earth's surface is greater at the equator than at the poles

      • This is due to the Earth's curvature and the angle of the Earth's tilt

Diagram showing how angle of insolation spreads solar radiation over a wider area at the poles than at the equator
The angle of insolation spreads solar radiation over a wider area at the poles than at the equator
  • This irregular heating of the Earth’s surface creates pressure cells

    • In these pressure cells, hot air rises and cooler air sinks through the process of convection

A typical wind pressure cell system showing the distribution of pressure at Earth's surface and upper atmosphere
  • Air movement within the cell is roughly circular and moves surplus heat from equatorial regions to other parts of the Earth

  • In both hemispheres (the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere), heat energy transfer occurs where different atmospheric circulation cells meet

    • There are three types of cell

    • Each cell generates different weather patterns

  • These are the Hadley, Ferrel and Polar cells

    • Together, these three cells make up the tricellular model of atmospheric circulation:

Diagram showing the tricellular model of atmospheric circulation
Heat energy flow and surface winds can be explained using the tricellular model of atmospheric circulation

The tricellular atmospheric wind model

  • Each hemisphere has three cells (the Hadley cell, Ferrel cell and Polar cell) that circulate air from the surface, through the atmosphere, and back to the Earth's surface again

  • The Hadley cell is the largest cell and extends from the equator to between 30° and 40° north and south

    • Trade winds blow from the tropical regions to the equator and travel in an easterly direction

    • Near the equator, the trade winds meet, and the hot air rises and forms thunderstorms (tropical rainstorms)

    • From the top of these storms, air flows towards higher latitudes, where it becomes cooler and sinks over subtropical regions

    • This brings dry, cloudless air, which is warmed by the Sun as it descends: the climate is warm and dry (hot deserts are usually found here)

  • The Ferrel cell is the middle cell, and generally occurs from the edge of the Hadley cell to between 60° and 70° north and south of the equator

    • This is the most complicated cell as it moves in the opposite direction from the Hadley and Polar cells; similar to a cog in a machine

    • Air in this cell joins the sinking air of the Hadley cell and travels at low heights to mid-latitudes where it rises along the border with the cold air of the Polar cell

    • This occurs around the mid-latitudes and accounts for frequent unsettled weather

  • The Polar cell is the smallest and weakest of the atmospheric cells. It extends from the edge of the Ferrel cell to the poles at 90° north and south

    • Air in these cells is cold and sinks creating high pressure over the highest latitudes

    • The cold air flows out towards the lower latitudes at the surface, where it is slightly warmed and rises to return at altitude to the poles

Influence on terrestrial biomes

  • The tricellular model influences the distribution of precipitation and temperature across latitudes

  • Near the equator, rising warm air leads to high rainfall and high temperatures

    • This creates tropical rainforests and savannas

    • Tropical rainforests thrive in regions of high precipitation and warmth within the Hadley cell

  • Mid-latitudes experience variable weather due to interactions between warm and cold air masses, resulting in temperate climates with moderate precipitation

    • This creates temperate forests and grasslands

    • These biomes occur in areas within the Ferrel cell, with moderate precipitation and temperatures

  • High latitudes, influenced by descending cold air, have low temperatures and limited precipitation

    • This creates polar deserts and tundra

    • These biomes occur due to the cold, dry conditions within the Polar cell

  • These climatic factors, in turn, influence the structure and productivity of terrestrial biomes by affecting plant growth, water availability and average temperatures

  • The tricellular model therefore helps us to:

    • Understand the global distribution of biomes

    • Understand the ecological characteristics of biomes

    • Predict biome shifts due to climate change and global warming

Ocean Currents

Solar radiation absorption

  • Oceans act as vast heat reservoirs

    • This is because they absorb the solar radiation that penetrates their surface layers

    • Solar energy is absorbed primarily in the top layer of the ocean

      • Here, it warms the water and results in thermal energy being stored

Ocean currents and heat distribution

  • Ocean currents play an important role in distributing the heat absorbed by the oceans around the world

    • Surface ocean currents, driven by winds and Earth's rotation, transport warm water from the equator towards the poles and cold water from the poles towards the equator

    • These currents redistribute heat horizontally across the ocean surface

      • This movement of heat affects regional climates and weather patterns

Impact on climate and ecosystems

  • The redistribution of heat by ocean currents helps regulate global climate

    • This is because it helps to moderate temperature extremes

  • Warm ocean currents can bring milder, warmer weather conditions to coastal regions, while cold currents cool down coastal regions

  • Oceanic heat transport also affects marine ecosystems

    • They affect patterns of ocean productivity, distributions of marine species and levels of marine biodiversity

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.