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Human Impacts on the Nitrogen Cycle (HL) (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Alistair Marjot


Biology & Environmental Systems and Societies

Human Impacts on the Nitrogen Cycle

Human activities altering the nitrogen cycle


  • Removing forests reduces the amount of vegetation that can absorb nitrogen from the soil (for plant growth)

  • This leads to an increase in nitrogen leaching into water bodies, where it can cause pollution

    • For example, deforestation in the Amazon has increased nitrogen runoff into rivers due to exposed soil and soil erosion

    • This has led to eutrophication (nutrient over-enrichment) and harmful algal blooms

    • These blooms deplete oxygen levels in the water, creating hypoxic or dead zones where aquatic life cannot survive

    • Studies have shown that deforestation in the Amazon basin has increased nitrogen concentrations in the rivers by 20–50%

      • Disrupting these freshwater ecosystems

      • Contributing to biodiversity loss


  • The heavy use of nitrogen-based fertilisers on agricultural land to increase crop growth leads to excess nitrate being washed into rivers and oceans

  • This contributes to eutrophication and causes dead zones in surrounding aquatic environments

    • For example, excessive fertiliser runoff in the Mississippi River basin causes a very large dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico every year


  • Fish farms often use large quantities of feed that introduce excess nitrogen into water systems

  • Uneaten feed and fish waste add nitrates and ammonia to the water, causing algal blooms and oxygen depletion

    • For example, salmon farming in Norway contributes to nitrogen pollution in coastal waters


  • Cities and towns contribute to nitrogen pollution through:

    • Sewage:

      • Wastewater contains nitrogen from human waste, detergents, and food, which can enter rivers and oceans, increasing nitrogen levels

    • Stormwater runoff:

      • Rainwater picks up nitrogen from fertilisers, pet waste, and other pollutants on roads and carries it into water bodies

    • Vehicle emissions:

      • Cars release nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the air, which can contribute to nitrogen pollution when it settles onto land or water

      • These emissions can also react with water vapour to form nitric acid, leading to acid rain

The Haber process and its impact

  • The Haber process is an industrial method for synthesising ammonia (NH₃) from nitrogen (N₂) in the atmosphere and hydrogen (H₂)

    • This ammonia can be used to produce fertilisers that enhance crop yields

  • Advantages:

    • Increases global food production by improving crop yields

    • Provides a reliable and large-scale source of nitrogen fertiliser for agriculture

  • Disadvantages:

    • Excess nitrogen from fertilisers contributes to pollution and environmental issues like eutrophication and reduced biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems

    • The Haber process requires large amounts of energy, typically from fossil fuels, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions

Flowchart diagram of the Haber process for ammonia production, showing stages: compressor, iron catalyst beds, cooling tank, and outputs including ammonia.
The production of ammonia by the Haber process

Crossing the nitrogen planetary boundary

  • Nitrogen is one of the boundaries used in the planetary boundaries model

    • The planetary boundaries model outlines nine critical processes and systems that regulate the stability and resilience of our Earth system

  • Human activities, especially the extensive use of nitrogen fertilisers, have resulted in excessive nitrogen in ecosystems

  • This has pushed the nitrogen cycle beyond its safe limits, leading to potentially irreversible changes in the environment

    • Excess nitrogen disrupts natural cycles, causing water pollution and loss of biodiversity

    • Evidence shows that the nitrogen cycle is beyond its safe operating space

Diagram of the planetary boundaries model for IB HL Environmental Systems and Societies.
Planetary Boundaries Model

Global collaboration to restore balance

  • Global dependence on fertilisers:

    • Most of the world’s food production relies on inorganic nitrogen fertilisers

    • This has created an unsustainable cycle of nitrogen pollution

      • Global fertiliser use continues to increase, especially in rapidly industrialising countries like China and India

  • Collaborative solutions:

    • To address the nitrogen crisis, countries must cooperate to:

      • Reduce nitrogen emissions

      • Improve nitrogen use efficiency in agriculture

  • Measures to restore balance:

    • Use more sustainable farming techniques, such as crop rotation and precision farming, to reduce fertiliser use

    • Improve sewage treatment plants to reduce nitrogen pollution from urban areas

    • A key way to combat nitrogen pollution is to transition away from cars that emit nitrogen-based pollutants, such as those that run on petrol and diesel

      • For instance, EVs reduce emissions that contribute to nitrogen pollution and acid rain

Examiner Tip

You don't need to know the specific chemical reactions or steps used in the Haber process for your exams. Just make sure you can recall its advantages and environmental disadvantages.

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Expertise: Biology & Environmental Systems and Societies

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.