The Environmental Movement (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Dynamics of Environmental Perspectives

  • Environmental perspectives (and the beliefs they are built on) shift and change over time in all societies

  • Although many different factors can cause these changes in perspectives, they are often influenced by government or non-governmental organisations (NGOs) campaigns or through social and demographic changes

    • For example, in the 1970s (and as early as the 1950s), there was a significant rise in environmental awareness due to campaigns against pollution

    • Government initiatives like the Clean Air Act in the UK (1956) and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US (1970) played important roles in highlighting pollution issues

    • NGOs like Greenpeace (1971) and Friends of the Earth (1969) also spearheaded campaigns, raising public awareness about the detrimental effects of pollution on health and the environment

Interpretation of behaviour-time graphs

  • Behaviour-time graphs illustrate how specific behaviours change over time

    • For example, a behaviour-time graph tracking smoking rates might show a decline over decades due to anti-smoking campaigns and general increased health awareness

      • The "Stoptober" campaign in the UK encourages smokers to quit during October, resulting in noticeable dips in smoking rates during those periods

  • Other examples of using behaviour-time graphs include:

    • Littering tendencies

    • Water usage

    • Recycling rates

    • Use of renewable energy sources

    • Use of public transport

    • Consumption of meat

    • Shifts from traditional indigenous lifestyles to modern ones

      • For example, Indigenous groups are increasingly adopting Western clothing and technologies due to globalisation

      • This transition can be seen in long-term studies that show changes in clothing styles, housing structures, personal belongings and food consumption patterns over time

Exam Tip

You should familiarise yourself with interpreting behaviour-time graphs to identify trends and perspective shifts over time. Pay attention to the axes, labels, and units to understand the scale and significance of the changes shown.

The Development of the Environmental Movement

  • The environmental movement is the term used to describe humanity’s increasing awareness of the damage we are causing to the environment and the importance of conserving the environmental health of our planet

  • The movement includes a diverse range of individuals, organisations and initiatives united by a common goal: to address urgent environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, habitat destruction and species extinction

  • The movement promotes sustainable development, responsible resource management, conservation of biodiversity and the transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources

    • This can be achieved by implementing changes in public policy and encouraging changes in our individual behaviours

    • Through education, advocacy, activism and policy-making, the environmental movement aims to create a more sustainable and resilient future for both humanity and the natural world

  • Various different factors, including people, books, films and historical events, have been key in the development of the environmental movement

  • These events and influences have come from many different areas, including:

    • Individuals and environmental activists

    • Literature

    • Media

    • Major environmental disasters

    • International conferences and agreements

    • New technologies

    • Scientific discoveries

Individuals and Environmental Activists




Effect on Environmental Movement

Wangarĩ Maathai


Founded the Green Belt Movement, advocating for tree planting, conservation, and women's rights

Mobilised grassroots activism and promoted environmental conservation on a local and global scale

Greta Thunberg

Climate action

Led global youth strikes for climate action, raising awareness and challenging political leaders

Inspired millions worldwide to join climate activism, urging policymakers to take urgent climate action

Vandana Shiva


Advocated for sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation, questioning corporate dominance

Raised awareness of the impacts of industrial agriculture and promoted sustainable, community-based alternatives

David Attenborough


Renowned naturalist and broadcaster, raising awareness of environmental issues through documentaries

Educated and inspired audiences worldwide, fostering greater appreciation and concern for the natural world

Jane Goodall


Pioneering primatologist, advocating for wildlife conservation and ethical treatment of animals

Advancing our understanding of animal behaviour and conservation, empowering individuals to protect biodiversity and habitats






Effect on Environmental Movement

Aldo Leopold


A Sand County Almanac

Advocated for a land ethic, promoting conservation and stewardship of the natural world

Influential in shaping modern conservation ethics and inspiring environmental activism

Rachel Carson


Silent Spring

Outlined the harmful effects of the pesticide DDT passing along food chains to top predators

Led to widespread concern about the dangers of pesticide use and increased awareness of environmental pollution

Donella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jørgen Randers, William W. Behrens III


The Limits to Growth (LTG)

A report, commissioned by the Club of Rome (a global think tank), outlining the effects of a rapidly increasing global population on Earth’s finite natural resources

Increased awareness of the dangers of unsustainable natural resource use (best-selling environmental publication in history)

James Lovelock



The first book to suggest that Earth is like a ‘living organism’ (a self-regulatory system that maintains its climate and biology)

Showed how humanity has the power to upset the delicate balance of the Earth’s self-regulating processes, with potentially deadly consequences

Edward Abbey


The Monkey Wrench Gang

Novel about eco-sabotage and resistance against environmental destruction, inspiring direct action

Influenced environmental activism by promoting radical tactics and raising awareness of conservation issues

Donella Meadows


Beyond the Limits

Follow-up to "The Limits to Growth", exploring strategies for achieving sustainable development

Contributed to discussions on sustainability and influenced policy-making towards more eco-friendly practices





Effect on Environmental Movement

An Inconvenient Truth


A documentary film of former US Vice President Al Gore giving a lecture on climate change and its consequences

The film got extensive publicity, reaching a huge worldwide audience and triggering a major shift in public opinion in the USA

No Impact Man


Documentary film following a family's attempt to live a zero-waste lifestyle in New York City

Raised awareness about individual carbon footprints and the potential for sustainable living in urban environments

Before the Flood


Documentary featuring Leonardo DiCaprio exploring climate change impacts and solutions

Raised awareness of climate change issues and advocated for renewable energy and conservation efforts

Our Planet


Netflix documentary series showcasing Earth's natural beauty and the impact of human activity

Raised awareness of environmental conservation and the need to protect ecosystems and biodiversity

Breaking Boundaries


Netflix documentary on how humans are pushing Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept the planet stable for the last 10 000 years, narrated by David Attenborough

Highlighted pressing environmental issues and the importance of global cooperation for sustainable solutions

Major Environmental Disasters




Effect on Environmental Movement

Minamata disease in Minamata, Japan


Chemical factories released toxic methyl mercury into waste water— mercury accumulation in fish and shellfish caused mercury poisoning in local people, with severe symptoms (neurological disorders, paralysis, death, or birth defects in newborns)

Raised awareness of the risks of industrialisation and the need for environmental regulations and checks to be imposed on industries

Industrial accident in Bhopal, India


Explosion at a pesticide plant—released 42 tonnes of toxic methyl isocyanate gas, killing 10 000 people in the first 72 hours and 25 000 in total

Highlighted industrial risks and lack of safety measures, driving demands for stricter regulations and corporate accountability

Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, Soviet Ukraine


Nuclear reactor exploded—radioactive fallout covered large areas of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia—336 000 people had to be evacuated and cancer incidence increased in surrounding area

Reinforced society’s fear and negative perceptions surrounding nuclear power, strengthening calls for safer energy alternatives and stricter regulations on nuclear facilities

Fukushima nuclear meltdown, Japan


Earthquake-generated tsunami hit nuclear power station and caused a meltdown in three of the six reactors—110 000 people evacuated

Intensified global concerns about nuclear safety and encouraged shifts towards renewable energy sources—however, Japan temporarily halted all nuclear power to carry out new safety checks, leading to increased dependence on fossil fuels

International Conferences and Agreements




Effect on Environmental Movement

Stockholm Declaration


The first major United Nations (UN) conference on international environmental issues, held in Stockholm, led to this Declaration

Influential in setting environmental targets and shaping action at the local and international level

Rio Earth Summit


UN Conference on Environment and Development, attended by 172 nations—outlined that radical changes in attitudes towards the environment needed to limit the damage to the planet

Had a global impact—led to the adoption of ‘Agenda 21’ (a comprehensive action plan to ensure sustainable development) by over 178 parties

Kyoto Protocol


An international treaty building on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that committed state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

192 parties committed to reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane



UN Conference on Sustainable Development, marking the 20th anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit - aimed to secure further political commitment from nations to sustainable development

Helped to assess progress on various internationally agreed targets (e.g. reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) and identify emerging environmental challenges

Paris Agreement


An international treaty agreed by 195 parties at COP21 - aimed to hold the increase in global average temperature to below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels

50% cut in greenhouse gas emissions needed by 2030—every country (including developing countries) agreed to set targets and regularly report on their progress 

Glasgow Climate Pact


At COP26, an international agreement between 197 countries was reached, which reaffirmed the Paris Agreement's global temperature goal

First climate deal to explicitly commit to reducing coal use—a late intervention from China and India weakened the pact's wording to "phasing down" coal (rather than phasing it out)



The 27th United Nations Climate Change conference, held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

Led to the creation of the first loss-and-damage fund and addressed measures to limit global temperature rise



The 28th United Nations Climate Change conference, held in Expo City, Dubai, UAE

The final agreement made at this conference commits signatory countries to move away from carbon energy sources to mitigate climate change effects

New Technologies



Effect on Environmental Movement

Green Revolution

Agricultural advancements increasing crop yields in the mid-20th century, addressing food scarcity

Improved food security and reduced pressure on natural habitats, but also raised concerns about the environmental impacts of intensive farming practices

Enteric fermentation control

Methods to decrease methane emissions from livestock, reducing agriculture's environmental footprint—strategies may include dietary adjustments, such as altering feed composition to improve digestion efficiency and reduce methane production, or supplementing diets with compounds that inhibit methane-producing microorganisms

Reduces greenhouse gas (methane) emissions from agriculture, mitigating the environmental impact of livestock and lowering climate change impacts

Plant-based meats

Innovations creating meat substitutes from plant sources, offering environmentally-friendly alternatives

Reduces demand for animal agriculture, mitigating deforestation, habitat loss and greenhouse gas emissions

Electric cars

Vehicles powered by electric motors instead of internal combustion engines, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases

Lowers carbon emissions and air pollution, driving the transition to sustainable transportation and energy systems

Scientific Discoveries



Effect on Environmental Movement

Pesticide and biocide toxicity

Studies revealing the harmful effects of pesticides and biocides on ecosystems and human health

Increased awareness of environmental risks, leading to regulatory measures, pesticide bans, and adoption of alternative pest control methods

Species loss

Research documenting the rapid decline of species diversity globally due to human activities

Raised alarm about biodiversity loss and the extinction crisis, driving conservation efforts and policy actions to protect ecosystems and species

Habitat degradation

Investigations highlighting the destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats worldwide

Highlighted the urgent need for habitat conservation and restoration, leading to the establishment of protected areas and restoration initiatives

Ocean acidification

Phenomenon of decreasing pH levels in the Earth's oceans, mainly due to increased carbon dioxide emissions

Raised concerns about marine ecosystem health and biodiversity, driving research and policy actions to address ocean acidification impacts

Climate change impacts

Research documenting the diverse effects of climate change on ecosystems, economies and human societies

Increased understanding of climate change risks and vulnerabilities, motivating adaptation and mitigation efforts to address its impacts

Exam Tip

You don't need to learn how ALL of these people and events have contributed to the development of the environmental movement! It might be a good idea to select at least one from each of the tables above, then learn what happened and make sure you can explain why each one was important in shaping the environmental movement.

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.