Solid Domestic Waste (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS): SL)

Exam Questions

38 mins10 questions
11 mark

Briefly outline the meaning of the term solid domestic waste.

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23 marks

List three general types or categories of solid domestic waste.

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31 mark

Distinguish between reusing and recycling.

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42 marks

State two waste disposal methods, other than recycling.

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14 marks

Evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the following two methods of dealing with solid domestic waste: recycling and re-use.

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24 marks

Evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the following two methods of dealing with solid domestic waste: composting and incineration.

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34 marks

Evaluate the merits and drawbacks of the following two methods of dealing with solid domestic waste: landfill and dumping at sea.

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4a2 marks

Define non-biodegradable pollution.

4b3 marks

Discuss the environmental impacts of non-biodegradable pollutants in solid domestic waste.

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17 marks

Explain how solid domestic waste disposal strategies can also act as methods to mitigate climate change.

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27 marks

Solid domestic waste often contains non-biodegradable materials and toxic substances that can reduce the soil fertility

Explain how waste management strategies can stop this from happening and protect soil fertility.

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