Distinguish between the terms climate and weather.
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Distinguish between the terms climate and weather.
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Weather and climate are significantly influenced by atmospheric circulatory systems, which result in the movement of air masses, distribution of heat, and the formation of weather patterns.
Air movement within atmospheric pressure cells is roughly circular and moves surplus heat from equatorial regions to other parts of the Earth.
In both hemispheres, heat energy transfer occurs where three atmospheric circulation cells meet.
State the names of these three cells that make up the tricellular model of atmospheric circulation.
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State two sources of methane emissions.
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Climate change can amplify or intensify changes, leading to further global warming
For example, increasing temperatures result in the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane from thawing permafrost, which further enhances the greenhouse effect.
Identify the name of this type of process.
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There is a general consensus amongst the scientific community that increased levels of carbon dioxide emissions as a result of human activity are causing global warming due to an enhanced greenhouse effect.
Explain how increases in the proportions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have led to global warming.
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Global warming, and the climate change that it brings, have an overall detrimental effect on biodiversity and ecology in general.
Suggest and explain one potential effect of global warming that may be beneficial to certain organisms.
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The figure below shows data on atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and average global temperatures between the years 1000 and 2000.
With the help of the graph above, evaluate the claim that rising global temperatures are caused by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
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Other than the burning of fossil fuels, state three sources of atmospheric greenhouse gases.
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Based on the annual report from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), global average atmospheric carbon dioxide was 417.06 parts per million (ppm) in 2022.
Discuss the potential consequences of elevated greenhouse gas levels on human societies living in diverse geographical regions.
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There has been significant debate surrounding the causes of climate change.
Evaluate contrasting viewpoints on this issue.
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