Energy Choices & Security (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS): SL)

Exam Questions

39 mins10 questions
12 marks

Outline two advantages of fossil fuels.

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21 mark

Identify one type of biofuel.

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32 marks

Outline two disadvantages of hydropower.

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42 marks

Briefly outline what is meant by the term energy security

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16 marks

One possible short term solution to the global energy crisis is to extract shale gas. Shale gas is natural gas trapped in the rocks underground. This gas can be extracted by a process called fracking. In places where fracking has been done, there is some evidence that it can cause minor earthquakes. Because shale gas is natural gas (methane), it is a fossil fuel.

Another possible solution is to build more nuclear power stations. Nuclear power stations use fission to generate electricity.

Evaluate the two solutions outlined above and give a conclusion.

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23 marks

The UK is starting to use wind turbines to generate more of its electrical energy.

Some people think this is a good idea, other people do not.

Suggest reasons why people think that building more wind turbines is a good idea.

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33 marks

Outline three disadvantages of wind energy.

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44 marks

The figure below shows information about changes over time in a coal mining settlement in Germany.


Explain why a country should not rely completely on fossil fuels as a source of energy.

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17 marks

The figure below shows a prediction for energy use per person in different parts of the world in 2030.


Explain why some parts of the world use large amounts of energy per person.

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29 marks

Discuss the factors which affect energy security.

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