Briefly outline the meaning of the term succession in the context of soil ecosystems.
State two soil qualities or characteristics that may change during soil ecosystem succession.
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Briefly outline the meaning of the term succession in the context of soil ecosystems.
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State two soil qualities or characteristics that may change during soil ecosystem succession.
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Briefly outline the meaning of the term desertification in the context of soil ecosystems.
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Identify two soil conservation measures that can be implemented to prevent desertification.
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Outline one effect of soil conditioning on soils.
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In the context of agriculture and terrestrial food production systems, outline the meaning of the term marginal lands.
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Explain how deforestation contributes to soil degradation.
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Outline how soil degradation can be caused by human activities other than deforestation.
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Explain how allowing arable farmland to remain fallow (unused) between growing seasons might contribute to soil degradation.
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The figure below shows information about desertification in Northern Africa.
Describe the distribution of the areas in Northern Africa where the risk of desertification is very high.
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Describe the impacts of desertification on local people.
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Landslides are often triggered by intense rainfall following a hurricane.
The photograph below depicts a landslide occurring in Cusco, Peru as a result of substantial rainfall on a steep incline.
Galeria del Ministerio de Defensa del Perú, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Outline one method farmers in Peru could employ to mitigate soil erosion on hillsides and why this method would be beneficial.
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Explain why commercial industrialised food production systems generally tend to reduce soil fertility more than small-scale subsistence farming methods.
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Evaluate the soil management strategies used by farming systems for soil conservation.
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