Outline the meaning of the term horizon in the context of soils and soil profiles.
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Outline the meaning of the term horizon in the context of soils and soil profiles.
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Outline one common input of soil systems.
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Outline one common output of soil systems.
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Illuviation is a transfer process that occurs in soil systems.
Outline this process.
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Complete the table below by writing either low, medium or high in each empty box.
Soil Properties Summary Table
Property | Sand | Loam | Clay |
Water infiltration rate |
Water holding capacity |
Aeration |
Potential to hold organic matter |
Ease of working (ease with which soil can be manipulated) |
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State two examples of transformation processes occurring within soil systems.
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State two examples of transfer processes occurring within soil systems.
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The figure below shows how soil textures are classified by the proportions of sand, silt and clay present.
The table below shows the composition of two soil samples, Soil A and Soil B. Soil A is classified as clay.
Soil | Clay / % | Silt / % | Sand / % |
A | 60 | 30 | 10 |
B | 20 | 40 | 40 |
With reference to the figure and the table, determine the classification of Soil B.
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Deduce, giving reasons, whether Soil A or Soil B would be more suitable for growth of crops.
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Outline what the O horizon represents in a soil profile.
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The figure below is a graph showing the water content of three different soils (X, Y and Z) as rainfall increases.
Describe the trend in water content for Soil X as rainfall increases.
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Complete the table below by identifying which of the three soils X, Y or Z match the soil types listed.
Soil type | Soil X, Soil Y or Soil Z |
Loam |
Sand |
Clay |
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Explain how a soil system can be considered to be an ecosystem.
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Explain the importance of soil organisms in terrestrial ecosystems.
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