Define the term aquaculture.
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Define the term aquaculture.
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The figure below shows data on the overall biomass of fish and seafood caught and farmed in the 70 years from 1950 to 2020.
Describe the data shown in the figure.
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Outline two reasons why the global growth of aquaculture is expected to continue into the near future.
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State where the highest rates of productivity in our oceans are generally found.
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Explain how increasing fishing net gap size can be used to help mitigate the unsustainable exploitation of aquatic systems.
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Aquaculture systems such as fish farming can often release ammonia into the water. The ammonia is converted into nitrates.
Describe how ammonia is converted into nitrates.
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Multi‐trophic level aquaculture is a method of fish farming that has been developed to reduce environmental pollution and increase profits.
The diagram shows a multi‐trophic level aquaculture system.
Explain how the multi‐trophic level aquaculture system reduces environmental pollution and increases the profits of fish farming.
Use information from the diagram and your own knowledge to support your answer.
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The first graph shows the mass of fish caught by traditional fishing in tonnes from 1960 to 2016 in three countries.
Traditional Fishing
The second graph shows the mass of fish produced by fish farming from 1960 to 2016 in the same three countries.
Fish Farming
Comment on the changes in the mass of fish caught by traditional fishing and the mass of fish produced by fish farming from 1960 to 2016.
Use information from the graphs to support your answer.
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Explain the methods a fish farmer can use to maximise the production of fish.
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Outline four strategies that can be used in the management of wild capture fisheries to try and make them more sustainable.
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Identify two negative environmental impacts of aquaculture.
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The figure below shows an example of a food chain in the Atlantic Ocean.
Discuss the impact that would be caused by the extinction of cod in the Atlantic Ocean.
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The figure below shows data on the overall biomass of fish and seafood caught and farmed in the 70 years from 1950 to 2020.
Suggest two reasons for the increase in production of farmed fish and seafood between 1950 and 2020.
Using the data to calculate the percentage of the total catch made up of farmed fish in 2020.
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By outlining the arguments for and against, explain why the harvesting of aquatic species can be controversial.
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Evaluate different strategies that can be used to reduce unsustainable fishing.
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