State the primary force driving the hydrological cycle.
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State the primary force driving the hydrological cycle.
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Complete the following sentences using the three figures provided below:
Freshwater makes up approximately __________ of the Earth’s water storages. The remaining water is saline.
Of this freshwater, approximately __________ is stored in the ground as groundwater. Most of the remaining water is locked up in the planet's glaciers and polar ice caps.
Of the remaining accessible, liquid surface freshwater, approximately __________ is found in the planet's rivers.
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Outline what is meant by the term surface run-off.
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Explain how surface run-off is generally affected by agriculture.
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Define aquifer.
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List three stores in the hydrological cycle.
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Identify and describe two flows within the hydrological cycle.
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Outline what is meant by the term thermohaline circulation.
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The figure below shows the hydrological cycle.
State the name of process G and process H.
What causes the water vapour to condense and form clouds?
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The data in the table below shows the relative volumes of water transferred through each part of the water cycle annually.
Process | Quantity of water transported in 1 000 km3 yr-1 |
Evaporation | 423 |
Transpiration | 153 |
Precipitation | 515 |
Percolation | 72 |
Calculate the percentage of the total water transferred that falls through precipitation.
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Briefly describe how urbanisation causes the reduction of two storage components in the hydrological cycle.
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Explain the processes of energy transfer occurring within the oceans.
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Explain the concept of dynamic equilibrium in relation to the hydrological cycle.
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