Outline what is meant by the term ecosystem service.
Identify two ecosystem services provided by wetland ecosystems.
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Outline what is meant by the term ecosystem service.
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Identify two ecosystem services provided by wetland ecosystems.
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What does the acronym EIA stand for?
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Outline why conducting a baseline study is an important stage in an EIA.
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Define the term ecological footprint.
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Outline three specific ways that a school can be more environmentally sustainable.
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Explain the difference between natural capital and natural income, providing an example for each concept.
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Urban green spaces refer to areas within cities or urban environments that are designated or preserved for natural components, such as parks, gardens, greenbelts, and urban forests.
Outline three ways that urban green spaces can be considered to be natural capital.
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The terms sustainability and sustainable development have slightly different meanings.
Distinguish between these two terms.
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Discuss the impact of dietary choices on the size of an individual's ecological footprint.
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Outline the purpose of conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
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Outline the typical steps of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
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Using examples of resources from a tropical rainforest, complete the table below to distinguish between goods and services.
| Goods | Services |
Definition | Insert text here Insert text here Insert text here | Insert text here Insert text here Insert text here |
Example | Insert text here Insert text here Insert text here | Insert text here Insert text here Insert text here |
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Outline the aims and findings of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
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Explain how natural capital can be evaluated.
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A solar power plant is planned that will involve the building of a solar farm (a large area of land covered in solar panels). This will result in the removal of some forest and the conversion of some farmland. The electricity created by the solar farm will provide power to the local community.
Discuss how effective an environmental impact assessment for this project could be in protecting the local environment.
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