Environmental Value Systems (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS): SL)

Exam Questions

51 mins10 questions
1a3 marks

State the three main categories on the spectrum of environmental value systems.

1b2 marks

Outline two basic principles of an ecocentric viewpoint.

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2a2 marks

Complete the diagram below using the following groups:

  • Self-reliance soft ecologists

  • Environmental managers

  • Deep ecologists

  • Cornucopians

Diagram showing subdivisions of the three EVSs
2b1 mark

Distinguish between deep ecologists and cornucopians.

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3a2 marks

Outline two main aims of the environmental movement.

3b1 mark

State one international conference or agreement that has contributed to the environmental movement.

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41 mark

Outline the concept of intrinsic value.

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1a2 marks

Explain what is meant by the term environmental value system.

1b4 marks

Outline two inputs and two outputs of environmental value systems.

Include examples of each input and output in your answer.

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2a4 marks

Compare and contrast anthropocentrism and technocentrism as different environmental value systems.

2b2 marks

Different environmental value systems can lead to varying approaches in addressing the challenge of global warming.

Discuss how an ecocentric perspective can contribute to the management of global warming.

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3a3 marks

Discuss the impact of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring on the development of the environmental movement.

3b3 marks

Explain how a named major environmental disaster has influenced the development of the modern environmental movement.

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4a3 marks

James Lovelock’s book Gaia (1979) played an important role in the environmental movement.

Outline how the Gaia hypothesis acts as a model of the global ecosystem.

4b2 marks

Traditional anthropocentric ideas about how the global ecosystem works differed somewhat from the Gaia hypothesis when this model was first proposed by James Lovelock in the 1970s.

Suggest how.

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17 marks

Discuss the implications of two contrasting environmental value systems, ecocentrism and anthropocentrism, in addressing the environmental issue of deforestation.

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29 marks

Evaluate the effectiveness of international agreements in promoting global environmental sustainability.

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