Syllabus Edition

First teaching 2015

Last exams 2025


Smog (DP IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

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What is Smog?



Photo by Mikel Letona on Unsplash 

Only the highest city buildings protrude above this smog, which has been trapped in the cooler air near ground-level by a layer of warm air above the city

  • Smog is a type of air pollution characterised by a complex mixture of primary and secondary pollutants

    • Tropospheric ozone is a major component of smog

    • Deforestation and burning of biomass release large amounts of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and other pollutants into the atmosphere

    • These emissions can contribute to the formation of smog by increasing the concentration of primary pollutants and providing additional reactive substances for secondary pollutant formation

    • To some extent, forested areas can act as natural sinks for air pollutants, so their removal can exacerbate smog formation in surrounding regions

Factors Influencing Smog Occurrence

  • The frequency and severity of smog depend on the local topography, climate conditions, population density, and the amount of fossil fuel use in an area

  • Areas with geographical features that inhibit air movement, such as valleys or basins, can experience higher levels of smog due to the accumulation of pollutants

  • Regions with hot and sunny climates are also more susceptible to smog formation as sunlight contributes to the chemical reactions that produce ozone

   Thermal Inversions

  • Thermal inversions occur when a layer of cool, dense air becomes trapped beneath a layer of warmer, less dense air

  • Inversion conditions prevent the vertical mixing of air and hinder the dispersion of pollutants, leading to their accumulation near the ground

  • This trapped layer of pollutants can contribute to the formation and persistence of smog, especially in areas with stable atmospheric conditions


Thermal inversions can cause a serious build up of smog in urban areas that are located in basins and valleys

Economic Losses

  • Economic losses caused by urban air pollution can be significant due to various reasons:

   Healthcare Costs

  • Poor air quality in urban areas leads to an increase in respiratory and cardiovascular diseases among the population

  • This results in higher healthcare costs for individuals, businesses, and governments

  • The treatment of pollution-related illnesses, including hospitalisations, medications, and long-term care, can put a strain on healthcare systems and result in substantial economic burdens

   Reduction in Productivity

  • Air pollution can have a detrimental effect on worker productivity

  • Exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory issues, allergies, and fatigue, all of which can impair work performance

  • Reduced productivity levels translate into economic losses for businesses and the overall economy

   Loss of Workdays

  • Severe air pollution episodes often trigger health warnings, prompting people to stay indoors or limit outdoor activities

  • This can result in missed workdays or reduced working hours, impacting businesses and individuals' incomes

  • Additionally, when pollution-related health issues force workers to take sick leave, it affects productivity and leads to economic losses

   Environmental Damage

  • Urban air pollution not only affects human health but also causes environmental damage

  • Contaminated air can harm vegetation, crops, and ecosystems, leading to reduced agricultural yields, damage to natural resources, and disruption in the ecological balance

  • These impacts can result in economic losses for industries reliant on agriculture, forestry, and tourism

   Decreased Property Values

  • Areas with high levels of air pollution often experience a decline in property values

  • Potential buyers and investors are deterred by the health risks associated with living or operating businesses in polluted areas

  • This reduction in property values can have negative economic consequences for homeowners, real estate developers, and local governments

   Increased Environmental Regulations

  • To combat air pollution, governments may impose stricter environmental regulations on industries, businesses, and vehicles

  • Compliance with these regulations often requires investments in pollution control technologies, infrastructure upgrades, and cleaner energy sources

  • These expenses can place a financial burden on businesses and potentially impact their profitability

  • Tackling air pollution not only improves public health but also brings economic benefits by reducing these losses and creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for communities

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Expertise: Biology & Environmental Systems and Societies

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.

Bridgette Barrett

Author: Bridgette Barrett

Expertise: Geography Lead

After graduating with a degree in Geography, Bridgette completed a PGCE over 25 years ago. She later gained an MA Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham focussing on online learning. At a time when the study of geography has never been more important, Bridgette is passionate about creating content which supports students in achieving their potential in geography and builds their confidence.