Resource Sustainability (HL IB Environmental Systems & Societies (ESS))

Revision Note

Resource Sustainability

Renewable natural capital

  • Renewable natural capital includes natural resources that can be replaced or regenerated at a rate equal to or faster than they are being used

  • Living species and ecosystems:

    • These include forests, wetlands, coral reefs and grasslands, which can regenerate through natural processes

    • These systems are able to do this as they harness solar energy and use photosynthesis to convert it into biomass

      • E.g. forests provide fuel wood for many communities and are harvested for timber

        • They have the capacity to regenerate through seed dispersal and natural growth

        • This allows new trees to replace the ones that have been harvested

      • Wetlands play a vital role in maintaining water quality, regulating floods and providing habitat for diverse species

        • They can self-sustain and regenerate, through natural processes like sedimentation and nutrient cycling

        • They can even regenerate after disturbances such as droughts or human activities like mining or construction

  • Non-living systems:

    • These include renewable resources such as groundwater and the ozone layer

    • These can be replenished through natural processes

      • E.g. groundwater is recharged by precipitation and infiltration

        • This ensures that it can be sustainably used as a freshwater resource

      • The ozone layer can also regenerate itself naturally

        • This can occur if the emissions of ozone-depleting substances are significantly reduced

        • This allows the stratospheric ozone concentration to recover over time

Non-renewable natural capital

  • Non-renewable natural capital includes natural resources that cannot be replaced or regenerated at a rate equal to or faster than they are being used

    • This is because these resources are either irreplaceable or can only be replenished over geological timescales (i.e. extremely long periods of time)

  • Fossil fuels:

    • Coal, oil and natural gas are finite resources formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals

      • Once extracted and burned for energy production, they cannot be replaced within human timescales

    • Although not a fossil fuel, uranium, used in nuclear power plants, is also considered as non-renewable natural capital

      • Uranium reserves are also not replenishable within human timescales

  • Soil:

    • Soil is a renewable resource to some extent

    • However, it can become non-renewable when it is degraded or eroded at a faster rate than it can be naturally replenished

      • Unsustainable agricultural practices, such as excessive tilling and deforestation, can lead to soil erosion and depletion

      • Urbanisation and construction activities can result in the permanent loss of fertile soil

      • This effectively removes its ability to regenerate in these areas

  • Minerals:

    • These include various elements and metals extracted from the Earth's crust

    • These are finite and cannot be replenished within human timescales

      • Rare-earth minerals used in electronics, e.g. lithium, have finite reserves

      • Precious metals, e.g. gold and silver, will have to be recycled or obtained from existing stockpiles once natural reserves have been completely extracted

Sustainable and unsustainable use of natural capital

  • It is crucial to manage and use renewable natural capital sustainably to ensure its long-term availability

Sustainable use of renewable natural capital

  • Forest management:

    • Implementing sustainable forestry practices, e.g. selective logging, reforestation and maintaining biodiversity

    • This preserves the integrity of forest ecosystems

    • This ensures continued provision of timber, non-timber forest products and ecosystem services

Diagram showing sustainable forestry strategies
Sustainable forestry
  • Fisheries management:

    • Strategies can help maintain fish populations at sustainable levels

    • This allows for continued fishing activities and the preservation of marine biodiversity

    • These include:

      • Setting catch limits

      • Implementing seasonal fishing restrictions

      • Establishing marine protected areas

  • Renewable energy:

    • Harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectric power

    • This helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and minimises environmental impacts, providing a sustainable energy alternative

Unsustainable use of renewable natural capital

  • Deforestation:

    • Examples of unsustainable use include:

      • Unsustainable logging practices

      • Large-scale conversion of forests for agriculture or infrastructure development

    • Clearing forests at a rate faster than their regeneration can contribute to:

      • Habitat loss

      • Soil erosion and desertification

      • Climate change

Diagram of deforestation impacts, showing monoculture loss of biodiversity, reduced interception, increased overland flow, risk of landslides, nutrient leaching, sedimentation, and increased carbon dioxide
Environmental impacts of deforestation
Cycle showing soil degradation: Very few trees, few leaves dropped, less nutrient soil, rapid nutrient loss, soil infertility, little vegetative growth.
Effects of deforestation on the nutrient cycle
  • Overfishing:

    • Excessive fishing beyond the natural reproduction rate of fish populations can:

      • Depleted fish stocks

      • Disrupt marine ecosystems

      • Impact the livelihoods of fishing communities

  • Water extraction:

    • Excessive withdrawal of groundwater from aquifers can result in:

      • Freshwater depletion

      • Saltwater intrusion

      • Long-term water scarcity

    • When water is used beyond its natural replenishment rate, it becomes unsustainable

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Alistair Marjot

Author: Alistair Marjot

Alistair graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Biological Sciences. He has taught GCSE/IGCSE Biology, as well as Biology and Environmental Systems & Societies for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. While teaching in Oxford, Alistair completed his MA Education as Head of Department for Environmental Systems & Societies. Alistair has continued to pursue his interests in ecology and environmental science, recently gaining an MSc in Wildlife Biology & Conservation with Edinburgh Napier University.