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True or False?
Conflict usually only occurs between staff at lower levels of the business hierarchy.
Conflict can occur at all levels within a business
Give two examples of workplace inequities.
Workplace inequities may include:
Perceived favouritism
Unequal distribution of resources or opportunities
Discrimination or harassment
Employees feeling undervalued or unrecognised.
True or False?
Unresolved workplace conflict rarely leads to negative outcomes.
Unresolved workplace conflict can often lead to lower productivity, reduced employee morale, limited collaboration opportunities and negative workplace politics.
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True or False?
Conflict usually only occurs between staff at lower levels of the business hierarchy.
Conflict can occur at all levels within a business
Give two examples of workplace inequities.
Workplace inequities may include:
Perceived favouritism
Unequal distribution of resources or opportunities
Discrimination or harassment
Employees feeling undervalued or unrecognised.
True or False?
Unresolved workplace conflict rarely leads to negative outcomes.
Unresolved workplace conflict can often lead to lower productivity, reduced employee morale, limited collaboration opportunities and negative workplace politics.
What is role ambiguity?
Role ambiguity is a lack of clear job responsibilities or role definition leading to confusion in the workplace.
Why might power struggles emerge in the workplace?
Power struggles in the workplace are conflicts arising from competition for influence or authority, limited resources or promotions, leading to tension.
True or False?
Conflict can help to solve problems
Conflict can help to solve problems because it encourages workers to recognise differences in opinions and find ways to overcome them.
What is meant by favouritism?
Favouritism is the practice of giving preferential treatment to one employee or group at the expense of another.
What is a trade union?
A trade union is an organisation whose members come together to achieve common goals, negotiating with businesses to improve terms and conditions of employment for workers.
True or False?
Trade union membership is generally increasing.
Membership of trade unions is generally in decline.
What is collective bargaining?
Collective bargaining is a process where trade unions negotiate on behalf of all of their members with employers to reach agreements on terms and conditions of employment.
What is a work-to-rule action?
A work-to-rule action is when workers adhere strictly to their terms of employment, completing only tasks explicitly stated in the contract of employment.
What is strike action?
Strike action is when workers collectively withdraw their labour, usually to force an agreement with management.
True or False?
Employees continue to be paid during periods of strike action.
Employees are not paid when taking strike action.
What is a lockout?
A lockout is an extreme measure taken during a period of dispute where employees are prevented from entering the workplace.
What is the purpose of threatening redundancies in conflict resolution?
The purpose of threatening redundancies is to persuade trade unions or employees to end industrial action, as they may be more willing to compromise if the alternative is members losing their jobs.
Give two reasons why trade union membership is generally in decline.
Trade union membership is generally in decline because:
Government legislation has weakened their powers
Many economies have moved away from manufacturing
Part-time and flexible workers tend not to be unionised
What are the four stages of the collective bargaining process?
The four stages of the collective bargaining process are:
What is conflict resolution?
Conflict resolution refers to the steps taken by leaders and employees or their representatives to solve disagreements in the workplace.
What is conciliation?
Conciliation involves an independent mediator supporting negotiation and compromise between conflicting groups.
What is arbitration?
Arbitration involves an independent mediator making a decision to resolve a dispute on behalf of conflicting groups.
State two examples of employee participation.
Examples of employee participation include:
Suggestion schemes
Quality circles
Worker panels
What is industrial democracy?
Industrial democracy involves workers having significant involvement in the decision-making process, sometimes as worker-owners.
What is a no-strike agreement?
A no-strike agreement is an agreement with trade union members not to take strike action when workplace conflict arises.
What is a single-union agreement?
A single-union agreement is when a business agrees to negotiate with one, rather than multiple, trade union organizations to resolve conflict.
True or False?
Arbitration decisions can be ignored by conflicting parties.
Binding arbitration decisions involve an agreed-upon compromise that must be accepted by both parties.