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True or False?
Taylor's scientific management starts with a scientific analysis of what is involved in a job.
Taylor's method starts with a scientific analysis of what is involved in a job.
Define the term piece-rate pay.
Piece-rate pay is where workers are paid based on the amount of work they complete, e.g. paid per t-shirt produced.
True or False?
Scientific Management emphasises the use of incentives to motivate workers.
Scientific Management emphasises the use of incentives to motivate workers.
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True or False?
Taylor's scientific management starts with a scientific analysis of what is involved in a job.
Taylor's method starts with a scientific analysis of what is involved in a job.
Define the term piece-rate pay.
Piece-rate pay is where workers are paid based on the amount of work they complete, e.g. paid per t-shirt produced.
True or False?
Scientific Management emphasises the use of incentives to motivate workers.
Scientific Management emphasises the use of incentives to motivate workers.
True or False?
Taylor's Scientific Management is applicable to roles requiring high levels of creativity.
Taylor's Scientific Management is not suitable for roles requiring high levels of creativity, problem-solving or interpersonal skills.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of human motivation that outlines five tiers of human needs that must be met for individuals to reach their full potential.
True or False?
According to Maslow, workers should be trained to perform only one task, which they become very skilled at.
Taylor recommended that workers should be trained to perform only one task, which they become very skilled at.
List two typical examples of workers' safety needs.
Typical safety needs include:
The need for job security
Fair pay and benefits
Safe working conditions
True or False?
Physiological needs are the highest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Physiological needs are the lowest level in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Define esteem needs.
Esteem needs include the need for recognition of accomplishments and a positive work culture that values individual contributions.
What can businesses do to help employees achieve self-actualisation?
Businesses can help employees achieve self-actualisation by offering opportunities for them to pursue their passions and interests.
True or False?
Love and belonging needs include teamwork and a sense of community.
Love and belonging needs include teamwork and a sense of community.
True or False?
Hygiene factors lead to job satisfaction.
Hygiene factors do not necessarily lead to job satisfaction, but their absence can cause dissatisfaction.
What are motivators according to Herzberg?
Motivators are elements of a job role that lead to job satisfaction, such as increased responsibility.
True or False?
Addressing motivators increases satisfaction.
Addressing motivators increases satisfaction, leading to increased productivity and profitability.
True or False?
Good working conditions are a motivator, according to Herzberg.
Good working conditions are a hygiene factor, according to Herzberg.
What is McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory?
McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory focuses on the needs that individuals develop over time and how these needs influence their motivations and behaviour.
True or False?
There are three acquired needs in McClelland's theory.
There are three acquired needs in McClelland's theory.
What is an achievement need (nAch), according to McClelland?
An achievement need (nAch) is the desire to excel and achieve challenging tasks, setting and achieving personal goals.
What is an affiliation need (nAff), according to McClelland?
An affiliation need (nAff) is the desire to form positive relationships and be happy within the workplace.
True or False?
According to McClelland, a power need (nPow) is the desire to influence and control others.
A power need (nPow) is the desire to influence and control others.
What is meant by the term institutional power?
Institutional power is the desire to influence and shape organisations and systems.
State one typical behaviour of a worker with a high affiliation need.
Typical behaviours of workers with high affiliation needs include seeking:
Approval and acceptance
Social interactions
True or False?
Deci and Ryan's theory describes three basic psychological needs that allow them to achieve personal growth.
Deci and Ryan's theory describes three basic psychological needs that allow them to achieve personal growth: autonomy, competence and relatedness.
What is meant by the term intrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivation is the completion of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for a measurable reward.
True or False?
Autonomy refers to the need to feel capable and effective in what we do, inside and outside of work.
Competence is the need to feel capable and effective in what we do, inside and outside of work.
True or False?
Deci and Ryan's theory emphasises the significance of extrinsic motivators such as financial incentives.
Deci and Ryan's theory downplays the significance of extrinsic motivators such as financial incentives.
What is John Adams' Equity Theory?
John Adams's equity theory explains how people perceive and react to fairness in their personal and working relationships.
True or False?
Equity is achieved when employees perceive that their inputs are equal to their outputs and are comparable with those of colleagues.
According to John Adams, equity is achieved when employees perceive that their inputs are equal to their outputs and are comparable with those of colleagues.
Give two ways equity can be restored in the workplace.
Equity in the workplace can be restored by:
Renegotiating terms and conditions of employment
Communicating better in recruitment and promotion policies
Clarifying pay and reward systems
Providing training and development opportunities
Why is Adams' Equity Theory considered to be subjective?
Adams' Equity Theory is considered to be subjective because what one person considers fair may differ from another's perspective.
Through which three factors does Vroom's theory seek to explain why people make choices and behave in specific ways?
Vroom's three factors are:
True or False?
Valence is the belief that performance leads to outcomes.
Instrumentality is the belief that performance leads to outcomes.
True or False?
According to Vroom, the more valuable or appealing the outcome, the more motivated workers are to achieve it.
According to Vroom, the more valuable or appealing the outcome, the more motivated workers are to achieve it.
What is meant by the term labour turnover?
Labour turnover is a measure of the proportion of employees leaving a business during a specific time period.
True or False?
Labour turnover is expressed as a ratio.
Labour turnover is expressed as a percentage.
State the formula used to calculate labour turnover.
True or False?
Improved transport links can lead to higher labour turnover.
Improved transport links that provide an opportunity for workers to seek work across a wider geographical area can lead to higher labour turnover.
Fixit Ltd employed an average of 42 workers in 2023, six of whom left the business during the year.
Calculate Fixit Ltd's labour turnover in 2023, to the nearest whole number.
Fixit Ltd's labour turnover in 2023 was:
True or False?
High labour turnover tends to reduce recruitment and selection costs.
High labour turnover usually leads to increased recruitment and selection costs.
Why might a buoyant local economy increase a business's labour turnover?
A buoyant local economy may increase a business's labour turnover because workers are likely to be attracted to employment opportunities elsewhere.
What is meant by the term labour retention?
Labour retention is a measure of the proportion of employees remaining with a business during a specific time period.
State the formula used to calculate labour retention.
True or False?
A low level of labour retention means that few staff are leaving the business during a given period.
A high level of labour retention means that few staff are leaving the business during a given period
What is an appraisal?
An appraisal is a process where a manager or supervisor assesses an employee's job performance.
State two discussion points in a typical staff appraisal meeting.
A typical staff appraisal meeting includes some of the following discussion points:
What has gone well/not so well this year?
Which skills have been developed/need further development?
Professional goals
What training or support is needed?
Why are appraisals sometimes criticised for being subjective?
Appraisals are sometimes criticised for being subjective because:
They may be influenced by the appraiser's personal biases
Managers may evaluate employees differently based on personal relationships or perceptions
What is a formative appraisal?
A formative appraisal involves gathering ongoing information and feedback on employee performance.
What is a summative appraisal?
A summative appraisal is typically conducted annually or at the end of a work assignment.
Why is summative appraisal considered high stakes?
Summative appraisal is considered high stakes as it can have significant consequences, such as determining pay, promotion or continued employment.
What is 360 degree feedback?
360 degree feedback occurs when a worker receives feedback from multiple stakeholders, such as line managers, colleagues, suppliers, and customers.
True or False?
Formative appraisal is considered to be a comprehensive assessment of an individual's strengths, weaknesses and training needs.
360 degree feedback is considered to be a comprehensive assessment of an individual's strengths, weaknesses and training needs.
State two methods that are often used to collect information for formative appraisal.
Information for formative appraisal is commonly collected through:
Employee observations
Aptitude tests
Skills tests
Feedback from peers
True or False?
The appraisal process encourages self-awareness and self improvement.
The appraisal process encourages self-awareness and self improvement.
Define the term recruitment.
Recruitment is the process of attracting and identifying potential job candidates who are suitable for a role.
What is the goal of recruitment?
The goal of recruitment is to create a pool of qualified candidates who can be considered for the role.
True or False?
Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate to fill a job vacancy.
Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate to fill a job vacancy.
What is internal recruitment?
Internal recruitment is the process of hiring employees from within the organisation, though promotion or redeployment.
Define external recruitment.
External recruitment is the process of hiring employees from outside the organisation.
True or False?
Internal recruitment can save time and money on training.
Internal recruitment can save time and money on training.
What is a job specification?
A job specification outlines the qualifications, skills, experience, and personal qualities required from a candidate for a specific job.
What is a job description?
A job description outlines the duties, responsibilities and requirements of a particular job role.
True or False?
High-profile vacancies, such as public sector roles, are usually advertised in job centres.
High-profile vacancies, such as public sector roles, are usually advertised in national newspapers and on organisation websites.
Define the term headhunting.
Headhunting is a form of recruiting and often involves the business making attractive approaches to highly-qualified people in a particular industry.
What is a careers fair?
Careers fairs are events, often hosted by universities or industry bodies, to attract significant numbers of highly-qualified, interested candidates.
What is a curriculum vitae?
A curriculum vitae is a professional document compiled by a job applicant that details their qualifications, experience, key skills and strengths.
What is a covering letter?
A covering letter accompanies a job applicant's application form or CV, giving reasons for submitting an application.
What is an interview?
An interview is a formal conversation between a candidate and a potential employer that can be conducted in-person, by telephone, or online.
What is a referee?
Referees vouch for a candidate's skills, work ethic and overall suitability for a position.
True or False?
The submission of a portfolio as part of the recruitment process can assess problem-solving and critical thinking skills, giving employers an idea of a candidate's potential.
Psychometric testing can assess problem-solving and critical thinking skills, giving employers an idea of a candidate's potential.
True or False?
Application forms allow for easy comparisons of applicants.
Application forms allow candidate responses to be collected in a consistent format so that comparisons between applicants are straightforward.
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a selection of an applicant's best work, used by recruiters to review their suitability for a creative or artistic role.
What is piecework pay?
Piecework is a financial incentive where employees are paid according to the number of units they produce.
What is meant by the term commission?
Commission is a percentage of sales revenue paid to workers who sell products or services.
Define the term bonus.
A bonus is an additional payment given to staff as a reward for achieving specific goals, completing projects on time or exceeding performance expectations.
What is meant by the term profit share?
Profit share is a portion of the company's profits distributed among staff to encourage them to think like owners and work collaboratively.
What is performance-related pay?
Performance-related pay is based on an employee's output level, motivating staff to work harder and achieve better results.
What are fringe benefits?
Fringe benefits are financial rewards received by employees other than wages or salary, such as medical insurance or a company vehicle.
True or False?
Wages are usually paid on an annual basis.
Salaries are expressed on an annual basis, while wages are usually paid based on hours worked or items produced.
True or False?
Profit sharing is commonly used as a financial incentive in manufacturing or assembly-line settings, and encourages workers to increase their output.
Piece rate pay is commonly used in manufacturing or assembly-line settings and encourages workers to increase their output.
Piecework pay is often linked to whose motivational theory?
Piecework is often linked to Taylor's theory of Scientific Management.
True or False?
A company pension plan is an example of a fringe benefit.
A company pension plan is an example of a fringe benefit.
Define the term empowerment.
Empowerment involves giving staff the authority and resources to make decisions and take action without first receiving management approval.
What is meant by team working?
Team working involves creating opportunities for staff to work collaboratively, share ideas and expertise.
Define the term job enrichment.
Job enrichment involves adding more challenging or meaningful tasks to a job to increase motivation and engagement.
What is meant by the term job rotation?
Job rotation involves moving staff between different roles in the business to expose them to new challenges and experiences.
Define the term job enlargement.
Job enlargement involves expanding worker's job duties to include additional tasks at the same level of responsibility.
True or False?
Empowerment increases the worker's sense of ownership and responsibility.
Empowerment increases the worker's sense of ownership and responsibility.
How does empowerment relate to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
Empowerment relates to Maslow's esteem needs as staff contributions are valued.
True or False?
Job enrichment is a hygiene factor in Herzberg's Two Factor Theory.
Job enrichment is a motivator in Herzberg's Two Factor Theory.
What is meant by work-life balance?
Work-life balance involves maintaining a healthy relationship between one's work and personal life.
What is meant by the term delegation?
Delegation occurs when a manager gives authority to another person to carry out specific activities.
Define the term induction training.
Induction training is undertaken by employees when they start working for a business, introducing them to its culture, policies, procedures and their job roles and responsibilities.
True or False?
On-the-job training takes place outside of the workplace.
On-the-job training takes place while employees are working in their job roles.
What is off-the-job training?
Off-the-job training takes place away from the normal workplace, typically through workshops, seminars, conferences or online courses.
What is the difference between training and development?
Training is the teaching of new skills, while development is the improvement of existing skills.
What is on-the-job training?
On-the-job training takes place while employees are working in their job roles, during which time they are trained by a co worker.
True or False?
Off-the-job training is always more expensive than on-the-job training.
Off-the-job training can be cost-effective if provided online or through webinars.
State two common elements of induction training.
Common elements of induction training include:
A tour of the premises
Meeting key colleagues
IT and finance policies
HR and security procedures
Health and safety policy
Company story and culture
Issuing equipment
Why might on-the-job training impact productivity?
On-the-job training can impact productivity because employees may make mistakes while learning, and it requires other workers to devote time to train their colleagues.