HealthPlus Clinics is a medium-sized healthcare provider in the UK, operating 15 clinics across the country. It specialises in general practice, diagnostics, and physiotherapy services. Recently, the company has struggled to meet the growing demand for healthcare services due to staff shortages and high levels of absenteeism among its employees. These issues have increased patient wait times and reduced customer satisfaction.
The management team at HealthPlus is exploring ways to improve employee retention and productivity. One proposal is to introduce a flexitime policy, allowing employees to adjust their working hours to better fit their personal lives. Another option is to offer professional development programmes, such as leadership training or advanced medical certifications. While both strategies could improve staff morale, they also require financial investment at a time when HealthPlus is operating on tight budgets.
Additionally, external factors such as Brexit have impacted the availability of qualified healthcare professionals, as fewer international workers are seeking jobs in the UK. This has made it harder for HealthPlus to recruit the right talent, putting additional pressure on its HR planning processes.