Photosynthesis (DP IB Biology: SL): Exam Questions

2 hours32 questions
1a1 mark

Chloroplasts contain various photosynthetic pigments.

State the role of a photosynthetic pigment.

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2 marks

The pigments in a chloroplast can be separated and identified using a technique called thin layer chromatography. After extracting pigments from a spinach leaf a student carried out thin layer chromatography. Some of their results can be seen below.



Use the equation provided to calculate the Rf values for pigments X and Y

                  R subscript f equals fraction numerator D i s t a n c e space m o v e d space b y space p i g m e n t space over denominator D i s t a n c e space m o v e d space b y space s o l v e n t end fraction

1c2 marks

The table below contains value ranges for the Rf values of common photosynthetic pigments.


Rf value range


0.89 - 0.95


0.05 - 0.11

Chlorophyll a

0.64 - 0.69

Chlorophyll b

0.53 - 0.62

Pheophytin a

0.78 - 0.86

Use your answers to part b) to identify pigments X and Y from part b).

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2a1 mark

State why the majority of plants look green to human eyes.

2b2 marks

The effect of different colours of light on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) seedlings was studied. Three different colours of light were tested and measurements of seedling height, shoot length, and biomass were taken. The results of the study are shown in the table below.

Colour of light

Wavelength of light / nm

Height of seedlings / cm

Shoot length / cm

Total biomass / g
















State what can be concluded about the effect of different colours of light on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana from the data shown.

2c1 mark

Oxygen can be thought of as a waste product of photosynthesis.

Identify the process by which this oxygen is produced.

2d2 marks

The process in part c) releases oxygen into the atmosphere, increasing atmospheric oxygen concentration.

State two other impacts that photosynthesis would have had on the atmosphere of prehistoric earth.

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3a2 marks

State what is meant by the term photosynthesis.

3b2 marks

The graph below shows the relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and the rate of photosynthesis.


Describe the relationship between carbon dioxide concentration and the rate of photosynthesis shown in the graph.

3c1 mark

Identify a possible limiting factor at the point labelled X in the graph in part b).

3d3 marks

Sketch a graph of the rate of photosynthesis against temperature.

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4a3 marks

A student made the following statement:

"Visible light has wavelengths between 200 and 900 µm. Red is the shortest wavelength and violet is the longest."

Identify the errors in this statement.

4b2 marks

A plant is grown in increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide whilst other factors are kept constant.

Describe what will happen to the rate of photosynthesis as carbon dioxide concentration increases.

4c1 mark

The plant in part b) is an aquatic plant. Before starting the experiment the student conducting the study boiled and then cooled the water that the plant would be placed in.

Explain why the student did this.

4d2 marks

Describe how the student could have measured the rate of photosynthesis in the study described in parts b) and c).

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2 marks

The light independent reactions are affected by temperature changes. Lowering the temperature slows down the light independent reactions. 

Explain why a low temperature slows down the light independent reactions. 

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1 mark

Chloroplasts contain more than one photosynthetic pigment. 

Suggest why chloroplasts contain more than one photosynthetic pigment.

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1a2 marks

Lab technicians wanted to determine the effects of light intensity and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis in Rhododendrons. They recorded the effect of different temperatures on the net rate of photosynthesis at various light intensities. Their experiment also recorded the rate of respiration at the different temperatures. The graph below shows the results from their experiment.


Identify, with a reason, the factor which is limiting the rate of photosynthesis between A and B.

1b2 marks

Add labels to the axis below and sketch an action spectrum for photosynthesis of the rhododendron plant exposed to high light intensity.

1c3 marks

Rhododendrons have been found in several alpine regions. Ecologists noted that in one of the plant's natural habitats the average summer temperature across a 20 year period rose from 21°C to 24°C, while the cloud cover increased.

Describe and explain how these changes would impact the growth of Rhododendrons. 

1d2 marks

Name two variables, other than temperature and light intensity, that could act as limiting factors for the rate of photosynthesis in rhododendrons. 

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2a2 marks

Plants possess a collection of photosynthetic pigments that allow for the absorption of light energy. This group of pigments includes two types of chlorophyll and multiple carotenoids. Different species of plants possess different quantities of each pigment. The combination and quantity of each pigment that each plant species possesses is an adaptation to their habitat and behaviour. The graph below demonstrates how different wavelengths of light are absorbed by chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids from a particular plant species.


Explain the absorption of light at different wavelengths by pigment chlorophyll a.

2b2 marks

Suggest why it is beneficial for plants to possess multiple photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids

2c3 marks

A researcher investigating the wavelengths of light that hit the ground in a woodland area found that the majority of the light energy reaching the ground sat within the 500-600 nm wavelength part of the spectrum. They also noted that a reduced number of species were found on the ground below the tall trees. 

Suggest, with reference to the light energy spectrum, why few species of plant would be found below tall trees in woodland areas.

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3a2 marks

Some students used paper chromatography to separate out the photosynthetic pigments in a leaf. The resulting chromatogram can be seen below.


Using the measurements made by the students, calculate the Rf values for carotene and chlorophyll B and complete the table below.


Rf value



Chlorophyll B


3b2 marks

Explain what the results in part (a) show about the properties of the photosynthetic pigments.

3c3 marks

The method used to prepare the photosynthetic pigments for chromatography requires the use of propanone. As a health and safety precaution, a student using this method decided to use water instead of propanone.

State what the student’s results would have shown and explain why..

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4a4 marks

Triticum aestivum is a species of wheat which has been genetically modified to synthesize more chlorophyll B as a way of increasing yield for farmers. 

Explain how an increase in chlorophyll B may lead to an increased yield from this genetically modified crop.

4b2 marks

A student set up the following investigation to establish the relationship between light intensity and photosynthesis.


Identify the dependent variable and one control variable for this investigation.

4c3 marks

The graph below shows the results obtained by the student. 



A second student suggested that they should position a sheet of blue transparent perspex in between the lamp and the pondweed.

(i) Draw another line on the graph to show how this may alter the results achieved by the students.

(ii) Explain your answer to part (i)

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54 marks

Sketch and annotate a graph to describe the effect of increasing carbon dioxide levels on the rate of photosynthesis.

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1a2 marks

Paper chromatography can be used to separate photosynthetic pigments obtained from chloroplasts. The chromatography strip below shows distinct pigment bands.


The teacher explains that the four bands represent four pigments: chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, xanthophylls and carotenes (but not necessarily in that order). The teacher asks a student to suggest which bands most likely represent the two chlorophyll pigments. The student suggests bands 3 and 4.

Explain why this is the correct choice.

1b3 marks

Describe how someone could accurately identify the pigments in the chromatogram shown in part a).

1c1 mark

The photosynthetic pigments from two aquatic algae, green alga genus Oedogonium and red alga genus Palmaria, were separated by thin layer chromatography. The chromatograms are shown below.


Palmaria also contain a red pigment known as phycoerythrin. The pigment appears red because it absorbs blue light and reflects red light. The pigment phycoerythrin is absent from the chromatogram above.

Suggest why this might be.

1d2 marks

Light of shorter wavelengths penetrates water to greater depths than light of longer wavelengths.

Using information here and from part c), suggest why red algae such as Palmaria can live at greater depths than many other aquatic algae.

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2a3 marks

The graph below shows the effect of light intensity, carbon dioxide, and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.


 A - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 15 °C

B - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 25 °C

C - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 35 °C

D - 0.1 % carbon dioxide at 25 °C


State three factors that could be measured to allow an estimate of the rate of photosynthesis in this experiment.

2b3 marks

A commercial farmer growing peppers keeps her greenhouses at 25 °C and circulates air around the greenhouses. Air has a CO2 concentration of 0.04 % and the ambient light intensity is 3 000 lux.

(i) Use the graph in part a) to state whether the farmer would be more likely to achieve higher pepper yields by raising the carbon dioxide concentration to 0.1 % or by raising the temperature to 35 °C.


(ii) Explain your answer to part i).


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3 marks

There are two types of chlorophyll in chloroplasts, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Researchers created a genetically-modified (GM) vine plant with an allele that caused them to synthesise higher levels of chlorophyll b than wild-type vine plants. They investigated the effect of this new allele on the rate of plant growth.

The researchers grew wild-type and GM vines. They grew some of each in low light intensity and grew others in high light intensity. They extracted chloroplasts from mature plants of both types. Finally, they measured oxygen production at different light intensities by the chloroplasts they had extracted from the plants.


(i) Oxygen production here is used as a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.

State why this is possible.


(ii) Calculate the percentage improvement in oxygen production caused by the genetic modification for vines grown at high light intensity at an experimental light intensity of 20 mmol photons m-2 min-1. Give your answer to 3 significant figures.


2d3 marks

The researchers suggested that GM plants producing more chlorophyll b would grow faster than wild-type plants in all light intensities.

Explain how the data in part c) support this suggestion.

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3 marks

Lab technicians wanted to determine the effects of light intensity and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis in rhododendron plants growing in parks and gardens. They recorded the effect of different temperatures on the net rate of photosynthesis at various light intensities. Their experiment also recorded the rate of respiration at the different temperatures. The graph below shows the results from their experiment.



Explain the increase in the net rate of photosynthesis between points A and B on the graph.

3b4 marks

In another experiment a student looked at the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in pond weed. They set up the investigation as shown below and altered the light intensity by changing the distance between the lamp and the pondweed.


Identify four variables that need to be controlled in this investigation.

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2 marks

The graph below shows the student’s results from their investigation in part b).


Calculate the percentage decrease in the rate of photosynthesis that takes place when the distance from the lamp is 10 cm compared to when it is 90 cm. Show your working.

3d2 marks

Identify, with a reason, one challenge that would be faced by the technicians in a) that would not be faced by the student in part b) when carrying out their experiments.

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4a1 mark

A variegated plant was grown in a laboratory by a student. One of its leaves is shown below (Fig. 1). The student left the whole plant in the dark for 12 hours to inhibit photosynthesis. After this time they covered part of the leaf with a rectangle of black card (Fig. 2). Following the exposure of the plant to sunlight for a further 3 hours the student removed the black card and then removed the leaf from the plant before testing the whole leaf for starch (Fig. 3).


Suggest why photosynthesis was inhibited for 12 hours.

4b2 marks

From Fig. 3 in part a) identify the following:

(i) The two areas of the leaf from A-D that the student could use to show that light is required for photosynthesis.


(ii) The two areas of the leaf from A-D that the student could use to show that chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.


4c2 marks

The student concluded that the detection of starch was proof that photosynthesis had occurred in the leaf during the experiment. 

Suggest why this conclusion may not be correct.

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5a6 marks

Explain how researchers could prepare an initial concentrated solution containing photosynthetic pigments for separation during thin layer chromatography.

5b5 marks

In a woodland the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the air changes during a 24-hour period. It can also vary depending on the height above the ground at which a gas measurement is taken.

Explain the variation in carbon dioxide concentration in a woodland over time and at different heights. Assume that there is no air movement caused by wind throughout the 24-hour period.

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2 marks

The scientists also measured the rate of the light-dependent reactions in the seaweed at each of the different wavelengths.


Mean rate of photosynthesis / arbitrary units

Lamp X 400 - 700 nm

Lamp Y 430 nm


1 250.3 (± 115.6)

920.2 (± 95.1)


290.4 (± 55.6)

276.6 (± 69.6)

Suggest how the scientists measured the rate of the light-dependent reactions.

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6 marks

The scientists repeated the investigation twice more under the following conditions

  1. They increased light intensity from lamps X and Y

  2.  They increased the temperature of the investigation from 15 °C to 20 °C.

Discuss how these changes may affect the amount of oxygen produced by the seaweed

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2 marks

The scientists concluded that both species of seaweed showed increased rates of photosynthesis under lamp X compared to lamp Y.

Evaluate this conclusion.

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