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Past paper and exam-style questions organised by topic, with student-friendly answers written by teachers and examiners.
Hydrogen Bonds, Physical & Chemical Properties of Water
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Nucleic Acids
DNA & RNA Structure, Basis of Genetic Code, Nucleic Acid Structure & Function
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Cell Structure
Cell Theory, Cell Theory: Skills, Microscopes, General Cell Structure, Prokaryotic Cell Structure, Eukaryotic Cell Structure, Functions of Life, Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Comparisons & Atypical Examples, Cell Types & Structures: Skills, Drawing Cells: Skills
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Diversity of Organisms
Biological Species Concept, Chromosome Number, Karyograms: Skills, Genomes, Comparing Genome Sizes: Skills, Uses of Genome Sequencing
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Evolution & Speciation
Evolution, Evidence of Evolution, Convergent Evolution, Speciation
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Conservation of Biodiversity
Biodiversity, Reasons for Extinction, Ecosystem Loss, Loss of Biodiversity, How to Preserve Biodiversity
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Carbohydrates & Lipids
Properties of Carbon, Macromolecules, Carbohydrates: Definition, Functions & Examples, Role of Glycoproteins, Lipids, Fatty Acids, Phospholipids
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Formation of Proteins, The Variety of Proteins, Protein Structure: Effect of pH & Temperature
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Membranes & Membrane Transport
Lipid Bilayers, Membrane Proteins, Membrane Transport, Glycolipids & Glycoproteins, The Fluid Mosaic Model: Skills
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Organelles & Compartmentalisation
Cell Organelles, Cell Compartmentalisation
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Cell Specialisation
Stem Cells, Cell Specialisation
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Gas Exchange
Gas Exchange in Organisms, Mammalian Lungs: Adaptations, Mechanism of Ventilation, Measuring Lung Volumes: Skills, Gas Exchange in Plants, Drawing Leaf Structure: Skills, Determining Stomatal Density: Skills
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Blood Vessels, Identify Blood Vessels: Skills, Measuring Pulse Rate: Skills, Coronary Heart Disease: Skills, The Transpiration Stream, Adaptations of Xylem Vessels, Drawing Root & Stem Structure: Skills
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Adaptation to Environment
Habitats, Abiotic Factors & Species Distribution, Species Distribution: Skills, Abiotic Factors: Marine & Terrestrial, Biomes
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Ecological Niches
Ecological Niches, Methods of Nutrition, Nutrition in Hominidae: Skills, Nutrition: Adaptations of Organisms, Competition Between Species
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Enzymes & Metabolism
Metabolism: Enzymes & Reactions, Enzyme Action, Enzyme Activity: Skills, Enzyme Reaction Rates: Skills, Activation Energy: Skills
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Cell Respiration
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), Cell Respiration, Cell Respiration: Skills
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The Process of Photosynthesis, Separating Photosynthetic Pigments: Skills, Absorption Spectra, Absorption & Action Spectra: Skills, Limiting Factors of Photosynthesis: Skills, Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Experiments
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Neural Signalling
Neurones: Function & Structure, Nerve Impulses, Nerve Impulses: Skills, Synapses
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Integration of Body Systems
Integration in Living Organisms, The Nervous System, Reflex Arc & Movement Control, Epinephrine & Melatonin, Control Mechanisms
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Defence Against Disease
Pathogens, Barriers to Pathogens: Skin & Mucous Membranes, Blood Clotting, The Immune System, White Blood Cells, Adaptive Immune Response, HIV & AIDS, Antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance, Zoonoses, Vaccines & Immunity, Evaluating COVID-19 Data: Skills
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Populations & Communities
Populations in Ecosystems, Estimating Population Size, Limiting Population Size, Limiting Population Size: Examples, Population Growth Curves: Skills, Populations: Intraspecific Relationships, Community: Interspecific Relationships, Interspecific Competition, Chi-Squared Test: Skills
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Transfer of Energy & Matter
Ecosystems as Open Systems, Energy Flow in Ecosystems, Obtaining Carbon Compounds in Ecosystems, Trophic Levels, Pyramids of Energy: Skills, Energy Losses, Primary & Secondary Production, The Carbon Cycle, Nutrient Cycling
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DNA Replication
DNA Replication, Electrophoresis & PCR, Electrophoresis & PCR: Applications
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Protein Synthesis
Transcription in Protein Synthesis, Translation in Protein Synthesis, The Genetic Code, Protein Structure & Mutations
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Mutations & Gene Editing
Gene Mutations, Consequences of Gene Mutations, Mutations & Genetic Variation
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Cell & Nuclear Division
Cell Division, Nuclear Division, Mitosis, Mitosis: Skills, Meiosis
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Water Potential
Osmosis, Osmosis in Cells, Osmosis: Skills
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Sexual & Asexual Reproduction, Sexual Reproduction, The Menstrual Cycle, Fertilisation, Plant Reproduction, Pollination, Seed Dispersal & Germination
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Genetic Inheritance & Genetic Crossing, Inheritance: Terminology, Inheriting Alleles, Sex Determination, Pedigree Charts, Continuous Variation: Skills
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Homeostasis: Maintaining the Internal Environment, Regulation of Blood Glucose, Thermoregulation
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Natural Selection
Natural Selection & Evolution, Selection Pressures, Selection Pressures: Skills
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Stability & Change
Stability in Ecosystems, Ecosystem Stability: Skills, Keystone Species, Sustainability in Ecosystems & Agriculture, Eutrophication, The Effects of Pollution, Restoring Ecosystems
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Climate Change
Causes of Climate Change, Impact of Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration
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Tool 1: Experimental Techniques
Safety, Ethical & Environmental Issues in Biology, Measuring Variables in Biology, Applying Techniques in Biology
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Tool 2: Technology
Applying Technology to Collect Data in Biology, Applying Technology to Process Data in Biology
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Tool 3: Mathematics
Applying General Mathematics in Biology, Using Units, Symbols & Numerical Values in Biology, Processing Uncertainties in Biology, Graphing in Biology
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