Protein Synthesis (DP IB Biology)



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  • What is transcription?

    Transcription is the process where the nucleotide base sequence of a section of DNA is used to synthesize an mRNA molecule using complementary base pairing.

  • Define mRNA.

    mRNA (messenger RNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that transfers genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus to the cytoplasm.

  • True or False?

    RNA polymerase is involved in DNA replication.


    RNA polymerase is involved in transcription, not DNA replication.

  • What happens during the elongation phase of transcription?

    During elongation, RNA polymerase builds the mRNA molecule by bonding RNA nucleotides together.

  • Define gene expression.

    Gene expression is the process by which a gene is 'switched on' and undergoes transcription and translation.

  • True or False?

    The template strand of DNA is transcribed to form mRNA.


    The template strand of DNA is transcribed to form mRNA.

  • What is the role of hydrogen bonds in transcription?

    Hydrogen bonds form between RNA nucleotides and their complementary DNA bases during transcription.

  • What is the function of RNA polymerase?

    RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for synthesizing mRNA during transcription.

  • Define complementary base pairing in transcription.

    Complementary base pairing in transcription is the process where RNA nucleotides pair with their complementary DNA bases.

  • True or False?

    The coding strand of DNA is the one that is transcribed during transcription.


    The template strand of DNA is the one that is transcribed during transcription.

  • Identify the four RNA bases.

    The four bases in RNA are:

    • Adenine

    • Uracil

    • Cytosine

    • Guanine

  • What is a polypeptide?

    A polypeptide is a chain of amino acids covalently bonded together with peptide bonds.

  • Define the term codon.

    A codon is a sequence of three mRNA bases that codes for a specific amino acid.

  • True or False?

    Translation occurs in the nucleus.


    Translation occurs in the cytoplasm, transcription occurs in the nucleus.

  • What role does tRNA play in translation?

    tRNA binds with specific amino acids and brings them to the mRNA on the ribosome.

  • What is the function of ribosomal RNA (rRNA)?

    Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is part of the ribosome structure and helps catalyse the formation of peptide bonds in proteins.

  • Define the term anticodon.

    An anticodon is a sequence of three bases on the tRNA molecule that are complementary to a codon on mRNA.

  • True or False?

    The codon GAC on mRNA would pair with the anticodon CTG on tRNA.


    The codon GAC on mRNA would pair with the anticodon CUG on tRNA.

  • What is the stop codon?

    A stop codon is a specific sequence of mRNA bases that signals the end of translation.

  • What happens after the mRNA leaves the nucleus?

    After leaving the nucleus, the mRNA attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm for translation.

  • State the role of the ribosome during translation.

    The ribosome facilitates the binding of tRNA to mRNA and catalyses the formation of peptide bonds to synthesize a polypeptide.

  • Define what is meant by the term "triplet code"

    A triplet code is a sequence of three DNA nucleotide bases that codes for one amino acid.

  • True or False?

    Each amino acid is coded by only one triplet.


    Each amino acid can be coded by multiple triplets, making the genetic code degenerate.

  • Define the term codon.

    A codon is a sequence of three mRNA bases that codes for a specific amino acid.

  • What does the term "degenerate code" mean?

    A degenerate code means that multiple codons can code for the same amino acid.

  • What is the significance of the start codon (TAC)?

    The start codon TAC codes for methionine and signals the beginning of a gene in protein synthesis.

  • True or False?

    The genetic code is universal across all organisms.


    The genetic code is universal, meaning the same triplets code for the same amino acids in all living organisms.

  • What is the purpose of a stop codon?

    A stop codon signals the end of translation, indicating where the polypeptide chain should stop being synthesized.

  • The genetic code is non-overlapping, how does this affect protein synthesis?

    The genetic code being non-overlapping means each base is read only once in a single codon, preventing overlap in the sequence interpretation.

  • What is the role of ATP during translation?

    ATP provides the energy required for forming peptide bonds between amino acids during translation.

  • Why is it important that the ribosome can bind with more than one tRNA molecule at a time?

    Binding with two tRNA molecules at a time allows the formation of a peptide bond between adjacent amino acids to accurately build up the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain.

  • What is a gene mutation?

    A gene mutation is a change in the sequence of bases in a DNA molecule that may result in a new allele.

  • True or False?

    Most mutations are beneficial.


    Most mutations are harmful or neutral (have no effect).

  • Define the term point mutation.

    A point mutation is a mutation where one base in the DNA sequence is altered, potentially changing the amino acid at that location.

  • True or False?

    Mutations in body cells are inherited by offspring.


    Mutations in body cells are not inherited; only mutations in gametes are passed on to offspring.

  • Define the term allele.

    An allele is a variant form of a gene that may result from a mutation and can lead to different traits or conditions.

  • Why do some mutations have no impact on the amino acid sequence or the final polypeptide structure?

    As the genetic code is degenerate, a change in nucleotide base sequence may still code for the same amino acid despite being a different codon. This means that some mutations will have no impact on the amino acid sequence or the structure of the polypeptide that is produced.