A group of students carried out an experiment to investigate water movement using the following method:
Dice potato into 1cm3 cubes and weigh them
Add potato cubes to 6 test tubes, each containing a solution with a different sucrose concentration
Wait 12 hours
Weigh the cubes from each test tube and plot a graph
The mean weight of the potato cubes was 2.5g before being added to the solution and the graph shows the weights of potato cubes after the experiment.

(i) Identify which sucrose concentration provides an isotonic solution.
(ii) Explain your answer to part (i)
With reference to the graph in part (a), describe and explain the changes in pressure potential observed in the potato cells between 0.3 and 1 M sucrose solution.
Sketch one of the potato cells that was kept in the 1.0 M sucrose solution. Label the cell wall, cell membrane and cytoplasm in your diagram.
Using the data from (a), calculate the percentage change in mass for the potato cylinders in 0.2 M sucrose solution.
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