Muscle & Motility (DP IB Biology: HL): Exam Questions

2 hours24 questions
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1 mark

State the word which is used to describe a pair of muscles that act against each other to perform opposite actions. 

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2 marks

The diagram shows a myofibril strand in a relaxed muscle fibre.


Describe the effect of muscle fibre contraction on the length of the A-band and the sarcomere.

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2 marks

The smallest unit of organisation in most tissues is the cell. However, the term 'muscle fibre' is used to describe the smallest unit of skeletal muscle. 

Explain why. 

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1 mark

Name the bundles of actin and myosin fibres.

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2 marks

Place the four words above into descending order of size in the table below:







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2 marks

Myosin is a protein that has two different kinds of protein structure, fibrous and globular, in its molecule.

State where these two types of structure are found within the myosin molecule. 

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2 marks

Explain how actin filaments are formed.  

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2 marks

The power stroke of muscle contraction is a short, sharp movement as a myosin head flexes and slides over an actin filament. 

Suggest why a muscle movement is a smooth process, rather than a series of short, jerky movements as this model might indicate. 

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5 marks

Identify parts A - E on the diagram of a sarcomere below. 


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1a3 marks

The image below shows an electron micrograph cross section through a skeletal muscle.


 Identify structures A-C labelled in the image above.

1b2 marks

The structures labelled E in the image in part a) are called myofibrils. Describe the structure of a myofibril.

1c2 marks

The structure labelled C in the image in part a) is 30 mm long when relaxed, but only 22.5 mm long when contracted.

Calculate the percentage decrease in length of the contracted structure C.

1d2 marks

Suggest two reasons why it may be beneficial to study skeletal muscle fibres using an electron microscope rather than an optical microscope.

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2a3 marks

The image below is a transmission electron micrograph of a longitudinal section of skeletal muscle.


 Identify structures X, Y and Z.

2b1 mark

Identify the molecules present in the regions labelled 1 and 2 in the image in part a).

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3a2 marks

Outline how the filaments within muscle fibres slide past each other in the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction.

3b2 marks

A recent discovery has shown that a third protein filament, known as titin, is also present in muscle fibres. The role played by titin is still being investigated, but one study looked at the effects of removing titin from the muscles of mice.

To remove the titin protein the mice had their muscles modified so that their titin filaments contained a cutting site for a plant enzyme called TEV protease. This meant that the scientists could use TEV protease to cut the titin proteins.

Suggest why the plant enzyme TEV protease was used rather than an animal protease.

3c1 mark

The image below shows the location of titin within the sarcomere, as well as some of the results gained from the study described in part c) above.


Use the image and your existing knowledge to suggest a possible function of titin filaments.


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4a5 marks

One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question.

Draw a labelled diagram of a sarcomere.

4b7 marks

Describe the mechanism of muscle contraction from the point at which myosin binds to actin.

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3 marks

The graph shows some of the physiological effects that take place after the administration of an anaesthetic to a patient who is MH susceptible. End Tidal Carbon Dioxide refers to the amount of carbon dioxide released during an exhaled breath.


Use your knowledge of the events taking place inside a contracting skeletal muscle to explain the effects on the graph between 0 and 150 minutes after the administration of an anaesthetic. 

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MH is a very dangerous condition that can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Use the information provided and your own knowledge to explain why MH can be fatal.

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3 marks

When myofibrils are viewed in longitudinal section they have a striped, or striated, appearance and are made up of many sarcomeres. Two sarcomeres are shown in the diagram below.


The myofibril is 4.5cm in length when it is relaxed, while a contracted sarcomere measures 1.9μm. 

Use the scale on the diagram above to calculate the length of a contracted myofibril (the image measurements are provided for you).

State your answer in mm.

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2 marks

The striated pattern visible on the sarcomeres is due to the presence of two types of filament within the myofibril. These filaments are known to be involved with muscle contraction, but a relatively recent discovery has shown that a third protein filament known as titin, is also present.

A study was carried out in mice that looked at the effects of removing titin from their muscles. To remove the titin protein, the mice had their muscles modified so that their titin filaments contained a cutting site for a plant enzyme called TEV protease.

Suggest why the plant enzyme TEV was used rather than an animal protease.

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3 marks

The diagram below shows the location of titin within the sarcomere, as well as some of the results gained from the study described in part b) above.


Use information from the diagram and your existing knowledge to suggest 3 possible functions of titin filaments.

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2 marks

Flexion of the elbow involves contraction of the biceps to bring the hand upwards when performing a manual action, for example when scratching the nose. 

Aside from the role played by the triceps in extending the arm afterwards, suggest two advantages to having the system of an antagonistic pair of muscles in arm movement. 

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2 marks

The image below shows some of the muscles in the human lower leg. 


Use the diagram and your knowledge of antagonistic pairs to identify the muscles involved in the following motions:

Dorsiflexion - moving the toes upwards towards the shin

Plantar flexion - moving the toes away from the shin e.g. when standing on tiptoe

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4 marks

A technique called electromyography uses electrodes placed onto the skin close to major skeletal muscles. The electrodes measure electrical activity in those muscles and in their surrounding nervous connections. 

The diagram below is an electromyograph trace combined from electrodes placed on a person's left and right gastrocnemius muscles (see diagram in part b for the location of that muscle) taken while the person was walking at an even pace. 


Assuming a mean stride length of 75cm, calculate the person's walking speed.

State your answer in kilometres per hour / kmh-1.

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2 marks

For the person walking in part c) above, state, with a reason, the stage of the respiratory pathway that would be supplying most of the ATP required for muscular contraction of the leg muscles. 

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3 marks

Explain why tendons need to be inelastic. 

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2 marks

Synovial fluid plays an important role in musculoskeletal movement.

One feature of synovial fluid is that it is classed as a non-Newtonian fluid. This means that it changes its viscosity according to the surrounding conditions.  

Suggest and explain one function of a joint that is aided by synovial fluid being a non-Newtonian fluid. 

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2 marks

Osteoarthritis is a common condition of the joints in which cartilage becomes thinned and eventually wears away. 

Suggest two symptoms of osteoarthritis.

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