Genes are not expressed equally in every cell of an organism. While essential genes needed for survival are continually expressed, other genes are regulated so that they are only expressed in specific cells, at specific times to produce specific amounts of protein.
Suggest why the regulation of gene expression is beneficial for an organism.
Scientists have calculated that roughly 1.3% of a mouse genome is made up of coding sequences. Non-coding DNA sequences can produce functional RNA molecules called transfer RNA. Other non-coding sequences act as specific regions that interact with transcription factors to regulate gene expression.
(i) Define the term "coding sequence".
(ii) Name the type of non-coding region that decreases or blocks transcription when a repressor protein binds.
When a gene is expressed, transcription occurs.
List the three stages of transcription in chronological order.
The diagram below illustrates the action of RNA polymerase as it binds free RNA nucleotides to a growing RNA molecule.

Label the 5' and 3' ends of the DNA antisense strand and mRNA strand.
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