Cladistics (DP IB Biology) : Revision Note
Classifying by Evolutionary Relationship
Historically organisms would have been classified on the basis of morphology, which often led to organisms being classified into groups that were not all close relatives
The development of DNA sequencing technology means that classification can now be carried out on the basis of evolutionary relationship
Organisms grouped together using this method of classification form groups known as clades; every member of a clade shares a recent common ancestor
A common ancestor is a shared ancestor, e.g.
The most recent common ancestor of siblings is their parents
The most recent common ancestor of cousins is their grandparents
Clades are monophyletic groups, meaning that they contain all of the descendants of a common ancestor
Advantages of classification by evolutionary relationship
Classifying organisms correctly according to their clade ensures that groups of organisms are close evolutionary relatives rather than arbitrary groups that happen to look similar
The characteristics within a clade are often inherited from a common ancestor, so are likely to be shared
This means that scientists need to be careful not to accidentally place organisms together on the basis of analogous characteristics; not all species with shared characteristics are closely related
The use of DNA sequencing has allowed some organisms to be reclassified into more accurate groups
Some species have been reclassified into different groups of organisms
Some groups of organisms have been split
Some groups have been merged
Cladistics is the branch of science in which scientists put organisms into clades
The term clade can be defined as
A group of organisms that have all descended from a common ancestor
Clades can include both living and extinct species
Some of the descendants of a common ancestor may have gone extinct
The common ancestor species itself may have gone extinct
Clades can be large or small depending on the common ancestor being studied
While taxonomy is about classifying and then naming organisms, cladistics is about identifying evolutionary relationships between organisms
A taxon is a group of organisms that have been given a group name by taxonomists on the basis on their shared features
A clade is a group of organisms classified together on the basis of their shared descent from a common ancestor
If taxonomy is carried out correctly then all of the members of a taxon should form a clade, but due to historical errors this is not always the case
Identifying members of a clade
In cladistics, it is important that species are placed into true clades; this avoids mistakes such as:
Some descendants of a common ancestor being placed in a different clade to each other
Some organisms that descend from a different ancestor being included in the same clade
Sequence data
The most objective method for grouping species into clades is the use of sequence data from:
DNA bases
mRNA bases
Amino acids in polypeptides
For all types of sequence data, it can be said that the more similar the sequences, the more closely related the species
Two groups of organisms with very similar sequences have separated into separate species more recently than two groups with less similarity in their sequences
Species that have been separated for longer have had a greater amount of time to accumulate mutations and changes to their DNA, mRNA and amino acid sequences
Species that share a recent common ancestor are more likely to share similar morphologies than species that diverged a long time ago, so identifying members of a clade can sometimes be done on the basis of morphology
This method is considered to be more subjective, and has led to classification errors in the past
Similar morphology can be a sign that convergent evolution has occurred rather than a sign of recent common ancestry
When classifying organisms in this way it can be difficult to decide on which characteristics classification should be based
E.g. should we classify bats along with birds on the basis of their wings, or with mammals on the basis of their fur?
In order to choose the most important characteristic, scientists need to decide which characteristics are primitive, and which are derived
Primitive traits evolve early in the lineage of a clade and are found in all clade members, e.g.
All vertebrates have spinal cords
All insects have six legs
Derived traits evolve later and can differ between clade members
E.g. within the vertebrate clade, birds have feathers while mammals have fur
Note that a derived trait in one clade could be an ancestral trait in another
E.g. fur is a primitive trait within the mammal clade, but a derived trait within the vertebrate clade
More closely related species will share a larger number of derived traits
The Molecular Clock
The evolutionary relationships between species can be determined by analysing sequence data from, e.g. DNA bases, mRNA bases, or amino acids in polypeptides
The number of differences between sets of sequence data provides information on how closely related two species are
The more differences there are between the sequences, the longer ago the species diverged, and vice versa
The number of differences between sequences can be determined using a method known as DNA hybridisation
Sections of single-stranded DNA from corresponding parts of the genome are taken from two species
The two complementary strands are allowed to bind to each other, or hybridise
The points on the DNA strand that do not bind show where bases are different to each other
The number of differences are recorded
The differences between sequence data can also be used to produce a quantitative estimate for how long ago two species diverged from each other
Differences in sequence data come about due to mutations in the DNA
Evidence suggests that mutations occur at a fairly constant rate
This means that the number of mutations that have occurred gives an indication of the amount of time that has passed since two species diverged
Scientists refer to the constant rate of mutation as the molecular clock
It is worth noting that the assumed rate of mutations does not always match with the actual rate at which mutations occur, so the molecular clock provides estimates rather than exact time periods
The rate at which mutations accumulate can ne affected by, e.g.
Generation time
Population size
Selection pressures
Analysing the differences in sequence data allows evolutionary biologists to determine the order in which different species diverged from a common ancestor, and therefore how closely related species are
Evolutionary tree diagram

The relatively consistent rate at which mutations occur in DNA provides scientists with a molecular clock. Differences in DNA sequence can therefore show how much time has passed since species diverged from each other.
Constructing Cladograms
Evolutionary relationships between species can be represented visually using a diagram called a cladogram
Cladograms are evolutionary trees that show probable order of divergence from ancestral species and therefore probable relationships between species
The point at which two branches separate is known as a node
Nodes represent common ancestor species
The information used to build cladograms most often comes from base or amino acid sequence data due to difficulties in the use of observable characteristics
Observable characteristics can be misleading as they are not always the result of shared ancestry
Sequence data can provide information about how different species are from each other, as well as how much time has passed since divergence from a common ancestor took place
The constant rate at which mutations accumulate can be used as a molecular clock
The reliability of a cladogram may vary depending on the amount of sequence data used to construct it
A cladogram based on the sequencing of one gene will be less reliable than a cladogram based on the sequencing of several genes
Computers use the information from sequence data to build the most likely cladogram
This is done using the principle of parsimony, which states that the simplest explanation is preferred
The computer builds the shortest possible cladogram with the smallest number of divergence events to fit the available data
We say that cladograms show the most probable divergence times and relationships rather than providing definite conclusions
Cladograms may change in the future if new evidence comes to light
Primate cladogram diagram

A cladogram for primates shows that humans are most closely related to chimps and bonobos, and that the next closest relatives are gorillas. Humans are thought to have diverged from chimps and bonobos between 5-7 million years ago.
NOS: Different criteria for judgement can lead to different hypotheses
Cladograms are constructed using available evidence and on the basis of the principle of parsimony
Cladograms show the probable relationships between species, so they form a hypothesis
The principle of parsimony states that the simplest explanation is the most likely
E.g. it is more likely that the characteristic of fur evolved once than twice, so cladograms place mammals as the descendants of one common ancestor, rather than appearing in several places in the cladogram
The principle of parsimony provides the criteria for the construction of cladograms
Without this criteria, cladograms might look different
Analysis of Cladograms
Analysis of a cladogram can provide several pieces of information
The point at which two branches separate is known as a node, and represents common ancestor species
A node immediately adjacent to a pair of clades indicates that these two clades share a recent common ancestor
This shows that the two clades are more closely related to each other than they are to any other clade in the cladogram
If several nodes need to be traced back before two clades can be joined, this indicates a more distant relationship between two clades
The root of a cladogram is found at its base, and represents the common ancestor of all of the organisms within the cladogram
The root of a cladogram will represent organisms that were present a long way back in evolutionary history
The terminal branch represents the most recent species in an evolutionary lineage
Cladograms sometimes show numbers along the branches; these indicate the number of base or amino acid changes that have occurred between one node and the next or between a node and an emerging clade or species
The constant rate at which mutations accumulate means that these numbers can be used as a molecular clock to calculate how much time has passed
Some cladograms have a time scale to show how many millions have years have passed
Cladogram analysis diagram

Multiple conclusions can be drawn from a large cladogram such as this vertebrate cladogram.
Note that this cladogram contains no numbers or time scale, so it does not show the number of base or amino acid changes that have occurred between one node and the next, or how much time has passed between nodes.
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