Practice Paper 2 (HL IB Biology)

Practice Paper Questions

1a1 mark

Which property or properties (A, B, C) explain the ability of water to dissolve solutes?

       Property A:    Polarity of water molecules

      Property B:    High specific heat capacity of water

      Property C:    Hydrogen bonding   

1b3 marks

Describe the properties of carbon that make it an ideal element as the basis of living systems. 

1c2 marks

A group of students investigated the thermal properties of water. To do this, they poured hot water at 70°C into two thin plastic cups and measured the rate of cooling of each cup. The sides of one cup were covered with tissue paper soaked in hot water. The sides of the other cup were left uncovered. The temperature of the water in each cup was recorded with a thermometer every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. The results are shown in the graph below.


Other than the starting temperature of the water (70°C), give two conditions that must be kept the same for each cup throughout the experiment.

1d2 marks

With reference to a thermal property of water, explain how the experiment in part c) can demonstrate the response of the human body to prevent overheating.

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3 marks

State the features of RNA that mean it is presumed to have been the first genetic material. 

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2 marks

Scientists investigated the effect of ribozyme on population growth in yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Describe ribozyme.



State the specific role of ribozyme. 


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3 marks

A growth curve analysis of S. cerevisiae was carried out; S. cerevisiae cells were treated with a control substance (pGAD), with ribozyme (pGADRz) or with a mutant ribozyme (pGADmRz) at 30 °C. The results are shown in the graph below.

Note that N is number of cells after the given time period and N0 is the initial number of cells.


Describe the effect of ribozyme on the growth of the S. cerevisiae population at 30 °C.

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2 marks

A student suggested that the results of the experiment shown in part (c) were surprising. 

Explain why the student came to this conclusion. 

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3 marks

Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The graph below shows the changes of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, as well as the change in global temperatures over a period of time.yGzx-90Q_h-4a

Describe the general trends in the data.

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2 marks

Suggest possible causes of the trends in the data presented in part (a).

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2 marks

Discuss the importance of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere.

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3 marks

The image shows a representation of a neurone.uqsE6XvR_e-1a

Identify structures X-Z in the image.

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1 mark

Branching from structure X of the neurone in part a) are structures known as dendrites.

State the role of dendrites in the nervous system.

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2 marks

Describe the structure of from the image in part a).

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2 marks

It has been estimated that a neurone without structure Y present can conduct nerve impulses at speeds of 0.5 m s-1 whereas a neurone with structure Y present can conduct impulses at speeds of 150 m s-1.

Calculate how many times faster impulse conduction is in the presence of structure Y than without structure Y.

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5a3 marks

The graph below shows the effect of light intensity, carbon dioxide, and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis.


 A - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 15 °C

B - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 25 °C

C - 0.04 % carbon dioxide at 35 °C

D - 0.1 % carbon dioxide at 25 °C


State three factors that could be measured to allow an estimate of the rate of photosynthesis in this experiment.

5b3 marks

A commercial farmer growing peppers keeps her greenhouses at 25 °C and circulates air around the greenhouses. Air has a CO2 concentration of 0.04 % and the ambient light intensity is 3 000 lux.


Use the graph in part a) to state whether the farmer would be more likely to achieve higher pepper yields by raising the carbon dioxide concentration to 0.1 % or by raising the temperature to 35 °C.



Explain your answer to part i).


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3 marks

There are two types of chlorophyll in chloroplasts, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Researchers created a genetically-modified (GM) vine plant with an allele that caused them to synthesise higher levels of chlorophyll b than wild-type vine plants. They investigated the effect of this new allele on the rate of plant growth.

The researchers grew wild-type and GM vines. They grew some of each in low light intensity and grew others in high light intensity. They extracted chloroplasts from mature plants of both types. Finally, they measured oxygen production at different light intensities by the chloroplasts they had extracted from the plants.



Oxygen production here is used as a measure of the rate of photosynthesis.

State why this is possible.



Calculate the percentage improvement in oxygen production caused by the genetic modification for vines grown at high light intensity at an experimental light intensity of 20 mmol photons m-2 min-1. Give your answer to 3 significant figures.


5d3 marks

The researchers suggested that GM plants producing more chlorophyll b would grow faster than wild-type plants in all light intensities.

Explain how the data in part c) support this suggestion.

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3 marks

 The diagram below depicts a section of the human gas exchange system.

 Figure 1



State the name of Organ 1 and describe its role in breathing out.

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1 mark

The graph below shows the changes in the volume of air in a woman’s lungs while breathing.


Explain how the graph shows that the woman was breathing out between times W and X.

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1 mark

Muscle action during ventilation is described as antagonistic.

Outline what this means with reference to one example during ventilation.

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7a3 marks

One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question.

Outline how changes in substrate concentration affects the rate of enzyme action. 

7b5 marks

Sometimes the active site of enzymes can be blocked or "inhibited" by substances that aren't the specific substrate for that enzyme. 

Suggest how this would affect the rate of reaction of an enzyme-catalysed reaction as well as some possible uses of enzyme inhibitors in medicine. 

7c7 marks

Plan an investigation to determine how changing the temperature of amylase affects the rate of reaction of the digestion of starch to maltose. 


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8a5 marks

One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question.

Compare and contrast aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.

8b4 marks

During sprint exercise or weight lifting, the body relies on anaerobic respiration to maximise the power of muscle contraction.

Explain why anaerobic respiration can only be sustained for short periods of time.

8c6 marks

Describe and explain the use of yeast in baking.


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