Louise Stone

Louise Stone

Geography Content Creator

An illustration of a paper plane


Teaching Experience

  • Louise has been a teacher of Geography for 14 years across key stage 3, GCSE and A-Level and loves being able to pass on her enthusiasm for Geography to the students she teaches.  Louise is an examiner for two exam boards and works as part of a team as a developer for the new GCSE Natural History which involves contributing to the development of the specification and sample assessments.

Recognition in their field

  • Louise has worked as a Head of Geography which has included the organisation of a variety of fieldwork opportunities for all ages ranging from local trips, to national trips to the Natural History Museum and the Lake District as well as abroad to Italy. Louise also acts as a mentor to PGCE students and newly qualified teachers.

Student success

  • During her teaching career, Louise has supported students both at GCSE and A-Level to fulfil their potential in their exams.

Published work

  • Louise’s Master’s dissertation focussed on independent learning in Geography. Louise has also written GCSE content for another online learning company.