Glenn Millington

Glenn Millington

Religious Studies

An illustration of a paper plane


Teaching Experience

  • After working in education for over 20 years Glenn has experience of teaching GCSE and A-level Religious Studies. Glenn currently works in Initial Teacher Education where he is teaching the Religious Studies teachers of the future to teach effectively. Glenn has been a GCSE examiner for Edexcel for a number of years and has vast knowledge and experience of the Religious Studies curriculum and how to excel.


  • Glenn has worked as a Head of Religious Education for a number of years and has worked with numerous trainee teachers and newly qualified teachers in secondary schools. Glenn became an Advanced Skills Teacher in 2008, an award which recognised his outstanding contribution towards teaching Religious Education.

Student success

  • Glenn has a successful history of top grades with his GCSE and A-level students. He continues to make a success of training the Religious Studies teachers of the future.

Published work

  • Glenn has recently completed his first journal article entitled, ‘When inclusion leads to exclusion. A consideration of the impact of inclusive policy on school leaders working within a pupil referral unit’. This paper focuses on one element of his recent PhD research. He has also applied to have his PhD work published as a monograph and is awaiting responses from publishers.