Claire France

Claire France

Economics Content Creator

An illustration of a paper plane


Education and work

  • Claire gained a first in Economics followed by a Master’s in International Finance before training as a teacher. She has successfully led an Economics department in the UK and worked as a tutor, delivering online revision courses to students.

  • Claire has also worked in higher education, teaching across graduate and postgraduate courses.

Student and Teacher Success

  • Claire applies her experience and rich expertise from working as an Economist to develop students’ passion and engagement in Economics. Her students are high achieving in both Maths and Economics, often with outcomes above expected attainment.

  • Claire has successfully run several online courses for students to assist students in preparing for exams.

Other Experience

  • Claire has been an AQA Economics examiner across multiple exam components. Before becoming a teacher, she worked as a public sector Economist for the government in both the UK and overseas.