The student measured the diameter d of the steel wire and obtained a value of 2.52 mm.
i) Explain which instrument he used to measure the diameter.
ii) Estimate the percentage uncertainty in the student’s value for d.
% uncertainty in d = .................................(1)
iii) The student used a balance to measure the mass m of the spring.
He obtained a value of 32.0 ± 0.5 g.
Estimate the percentage uncertainty in the mass of the spring.
% uncertainty in m = ...................................(1)
iv) The student calculated the density ρ of the steel using the equation
Calculate the percentage uncertainty in his value for the density of steel.
% uncertainty in value for density of steel = ...........................(1)
v) Determine whether the data collected leads to a value for the density of steel in agreement with the standard value.
density of steel = 7 800 kg m−3