Work, Energy & Power (AQA AS Physics)

Exam Questions

3 hours43 questions
1a2 marks

State the principle of conservation of energy.

1b1 mark

A girl of mass 45 kg is bouncing on a trampoline, as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1


State the form of energy stored due to the surface of the trampoline being stretched.

1c5 marks

When the girl’s feet lose contact with the surface of the trampoline she travels upwards with a speed of 5.5 m s–1. 


(i)       The kinetic energy of the girl as she leaves the trampoline 

The maximum possible distance she can travel upwards after her feet have left the trampoline.

1d3 marks

In reality, the girl does not travel the maximum possible distance calculated in part (c). 

State whether, in reality, the distance which she travels is greater than or less than the distance calculated in part (c) 
Give a reason for your answer.    

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2a2 marks

A rescue helicopter is used to winch a casualty, of mass 65.0 kg, and a winchman, of mass 80.0 kg, a vertical distance of 40 m, as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1


Calculate the combined weight of the casualty and the winchman.

2b3 marks

Calculate the work done by the winch in raising the casualty and the winchman at a constant speed through a vertical distance of 40 m.

2c3 marks

The average power output of the winch motor during the rescue is 320 kW. 

Calculate how long it takes to raise the casualty and the winchman 40 m.

2d3 marks

The winch motor is 70% efficient. 

Calculate the average power input to the winch motor during the rescue.

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3a4 marks

A skier, of mass 70 kg, moves down a slope between A and C, as shown in Figure 1 below: 

Figure 1


The skier starts from rest at point A, and as they ski down to point B they travel a vertical distance h.  

At point B they continue along the horizontal until they eventually come to rest again at point C.  

The skier loses 90 kJ of gravitational potential energy between A and B

Show that the height of the ski slope h is about 130 m.

3b4 marks

The skier travels a distance of 500 m between A and B in Figure 1. 

Figure 2 below shows the variation in the frictional forces experienced by the skier as they descend between A and B. 

Figure 2


Use Figure 2 to show that the work done against friction by the skier between A and B is 20 000 J.

3c3 marks

Use your answer to part (b) to calculate the kinetic energy of the skier at point B.

3d2 marks

The skier is brought to rest at C due to resistive forces which act between B and C. 

Determine the work done by the resistive forces between B and C.

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4a3 marks

A crane is used to lift a steel beam, of mass 750 kg, as shown in Figure 1.  The crane raises the beam vertically upwards at a constant speed of 0.50 m s–1.

Figure 1


Calculate the upward force produced by the crane required to raise the beam.

4b2 marks

Calculate the power of the crane required to raise the beam at a constant speed of 0.50 m s–1.

4c2 marks

The beam is raised through a vertical height of 15 m. 

Calculate the work done on the beam by the crane.

4d2 marks

The crane is supplied with 5 kW of power.

Calculate the efficiency of the crane.

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1a4 marks

An ‘E-bike’ is a bicycle that is assisted by an electric motor. Figure 1 shows an E-bike and rider with a total mass of 95 kg moving up an incline. 

Figure 1


The cyclist begins at rest at A and accelerates uniformly to B in 21 s. The distance between A and B is 110 m. 

Calculate the kinetic energy of the E-bike and rider when at B.

Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

1b3 marks

Calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the E-bike and rider between A and B.

1c2 marks

Between A and B, the work done by the electric motor is 8100 J, and the work done by the cyclist pedalling is 11 900 J. 

Calculate the wasted energy as the cyclist travels from A to B.

1d2 marks

State two causes of this wasted energy.

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2a2 marks

The diagram below shows a possible design for a pumped storage system used to generate electricity. 

Figure 1


Water from the upper reservoir is to fall through a vertical distance of 120 m before reaching a powerplant chamber. The water rotates a turbine in the chamber that drives an electricity generator. After leaving the turbine, the water travels through an exit pipe to a lake.

Show that the maximum possible speed of the water as it arrives at the turbine is about 50 m s−1.

2b2 marks

The volume of water flowing into the turbine every second is 4.5 m3. 

Estimate the radius of the intake pipe that is required for the system.

2c4 marks

The water leaves the powerplant chamber at a speed of 19 m s−1. 

Calculate the maximum possible power output of the turbine and generator. 

Give an appropriate unit for your answer.

Density of water = 1000 kg m−3.

2d2 marks

Energy losses are estimated to reduce the output power for the turbine and generator to 60% of the value you calculated in part (c). 

Explain two possible reasons for this energy loss.

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3a2 marks

A parcel of mass 23 kg drops from a delivery chute onto a conveyor belt as shown in Figure 1. The belt is moving at a steady speed of 1.5 m s−1. 

The parcel lands on the moving belt with negligible speed and initially starts to slip. It takes 0.75 s for the parcel to gain enough speed to stop slipping and move at the same speed as the conveyor belt. 

Figure 1


Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the parcel during the first 0.75 s.

3b2 marks

The average horizontal force acting on the parcel during the first 0.75 s is 50 N. 

Calculate the horizontal distance between the parcel and the end of the delivery chute 0.75 s after the parcel lands on the conveyor belt. 

Assume that the parcel does not reach the end of the conveyor belt.

3c3 marks

At a later stage the parcel is being raised by another conveyor belt as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2


This conveyor belt is angled at 21° to the horizontal and the parcel moves at a steady speed of 1.5 m s−1 without slipping. 

Calculate the rate at which work is done on the parcel.

3d2 marks

The efficiency of the angled conveyor belt acceleration system is 66%. 

Calculate the average power input to this system during the acceleration.

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4a3 marks

An electric wheelchair, powered by a battery, allows the user to move around independently. 

One type of electric wheelchair has a mass of 25 kg. The maximum distance it can travel on level ground is 15 km when carrying a user of mass 75 kg and travelling at its maximum speed of 2.5 m s−1. 

The battery used provides an emf of 12 V and can deliver 9.8 × 104 C as it discharges fully. 

Show that the average power output of the battery during the journey is about 200 W.

4b2 marks

During the journey, forces due to friction and air resistance act on the wheelchair and its user. 

Assume that all the energy available in the battery is used to move the wheelchair and its user during the journey. 

Calculate the total mean resistive force that acts on the wheelchair and its user.

4c3 marks

Figure 1 shows the wheelchair and its user travelling up a hill. The hill makes an angle of 6.5° to the horizontal. 

Figure 1


Calculate the maximum speed of the wheelchair and its user when travelling up this hill when the power output of the battery is 200 W. 

Assume that the resistive forces due to friction and air resistance are the same as in part (b).

4d4 marks

Explain how and why the maximum range of the wheelchair on level ground is affected by 

  • The mass of the user
  • The speed at which the wheelchair travels

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5a3 marks

Figure 1 shows a roller coaster car which is accelerated from rest to a top speed of 60 m s–1 on a horizontal track, A, before ascending the steep part of the track. The roller coaster car then becomes stationary at C, the highest point of the track. 

The total mass of the car and passengers is 7900 kg. 

Figure 1


At B, there is an accelerator placed on the track which provides a force of 5500 N to ensure the rollercoaster car continues to travel at top speed and make it over the top of the track. The angle of the track at B is 28° to the horizontal. The rollercoaster travels at this angle for a distance of 1.5 m. 

Calculate the work done by the accelerator when the rollercoaster travels through position B as shown in Figure 1.

5b4 marks

Calculate the maximum height above A that would be reached by the car and passengers if all the kinetic energy could be transferred to gravitational potential energy.

5c2 marks

The car does not reach the height calculated in part (b). 

Explain the main reason why the car does not reach this height.

5d3 marks

The car reaches point C which is at a height of 155 m above A. 

Calculate the speed that the car would reach when it descends from rest at C to its original height from the ground at D if 85% of its energy at C is converted to kinetic energy.

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1a3 marks

A cyclist rides along a road up an incline at a steady speed of 5.0 m s–1. The mass of the rider and bicycle is 70 kg and the bicycle travels 27 m along the road for every 2.0 m gained in height. Neglect energy loss due to frictional forces.

Calculate the power required for the cyclist to ride up the slope.

1b4 marks

The cyclist now travels along a steeper incline at an angle of 6.5º to the horizontal. 

Calculate the power output required from the cyclist on this new plane and discuss

how this value differs from that in part (a).

1c3 marks

The cyclist stops pedalling and the bicycle freewheels up the incline for a short time. 

Considering the energy transfers, calculate the distance travelled along the slope from when the cyclist stops pedalling to where the bicycle comes to rest.

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2a2 marks

A microlight is a small aircraft powered by a petrol engine. 

Figure 1 represents the flight path, AB, of a microlight on a short horizontal training flight. 

Figure 1


On its outward journey, the wind velocity is 9.2 m s–1 due North and the resultant velocity of the microlight is 15 m s–1 in a direction θ West of North, so that it travels along AB. 

If the aircraft is pointed due West, show that the angle θ must be 52º.

2b2 marks

The work done by the engine if the aircraft travels 20 km on its outward journey is equal to 25.7 MJ. 

Calculate the output power of the aircraft engine for the outward journey.

2c3 marks

The microlight aircraft now drops a package of mass 2 kg that is 90 m away on the ground as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 2


Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the package just before it leaves the aircraft. 

Ignore the effects of air resistance.

2d4 marks

The package is carried on a ship with sail systems used to reduce the running costs of cargo ships. The sail and ship’s engines work together to power the ship. 

One of these sails is shown in Figure 3 below, pulling at an angle of 50° to the horizontal. 

Figure 3


When the sail and the engines are operating, the ship is travelling at a steady speed and the force from the engine is 0.33 MN. 

35% of the ship’s power requirement is provided by the wind when the ship is travelling at this speed. 

   Calculate the average tension in the cable.

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3a6 marks

Figure 1 shows an object at rest at the top of a straight slope which makes a fixed angle with the horizontal at a distance h above the ground. 

Figure 1


The object is released and slides down the slope from A to B with negligible friction. Assume that the potential energy is zero at B. 

Sketch a graph showing: 

  • The variation of potential energy along the slope. Label this P.
  • The variation of kinetic energy of the object along the slope. Label thisK.
  • The variation of kinetic energy along the slope when there is a constant frictional force between the object and the surface. Label this F. 

Explain the important features of the graphs you have drawn.

3b3 marks

In a theme park ride, a cage containing passengers falls freely a distance of x m from A to B and travels in a circular arc of radius 25 m from B to C. 

Brakes are applied at C after which the cage with its passengers travels 70 m along an upward sloping ramp and comes to rest at D. The track, together with relevant distances, is shown in the diagram. CD makes an angle of θ with the horizontal. 

Figure 2


The force required for circular motion on a passenger of mass 70 kg at C is 5.4 kN. 

Calculate height x. 

Assume that friction is negligible between A and C.

3c4 marks

The total mass of the cage and passengers is 720 kg. The average resistive force exerted by the brakes between C and D is 4.8 kN.

By considering energy changes, calculate the value of θ.

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4a3 marks

A small ball of mass 40.0 g is held at the edge of a slope with a horizontal distance of 14.0 cm as shown in Figure 1 below. 

Figure 1


The ball is released from rest at A and rolls down the smooth slope AB. 

Calculate the speed of the ball at B, the tip of the end of the slope.

4b4 marks

A box of mass 120 g waits below the slope. The ball moves off from B and lands on the box. The box then travels a distance of 18 cm before coming to a stop. 

Assume that the ball lands on the box and sticks to the box without rebounding. 

   Calculate the friction force from the ground that acts on the box as it travels this distance.

4c4 marks

Once the ball and box come to rest, they then experience a variable force placed upon them shown by Figure 2. 

Figure 2


The distance is measured from where the ball and box initially came to rest. 

Show that the final velocity of the box after 50 m is 17 m s–1.

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