Linear Momentum & Conservation (AQA AS Physics)

Exam Questions

2 hours37 questions
11 mark

Which of the following gives the SI base units for momentum?

  • kg m s–1

  • kg m s–2

  • kg m–1 s

  • kg–1 m s–1

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21 mark

Which one of the following equations to calculate the momentum of an object is correct?

  • M o m e n t u m space equals space m a s s space cross times space v e l o c i t y

  • M o m e n t u m space equals space m a s s space cross times space a c c e l e r a t i o n

  • M o m e n t u m space equals space 1 half space cross times space m a s s space cross times space v e l o c i t y squared

  • M o m e n t u m space equals space fraction numerator m a s s over denominator v e l o c i t y end fraction

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31 mark

A car of mass 1200 kg is travelling at a constant velocity of 3 m s–1

What is the momentum of the car?

  • 400 kg m s–1

  • 1800 kg m s–1

  • 3600 kg m s–1

  • 5400 kg m s–1

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41 mark

Which one of the following is a possible unit of impulse?

  • N

  • N s-1

  • N s

  • N–1 s1

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51 mark

Which one of the following equations to calculate the impulse of an object is correct?

  • Impulse = mass × acceleration

  • Impulsefraction numerator f o r c e over denominator t i m e end fraction

  • Impulse = force × time

  • Impulse = 1 half × mass ×  velocity2

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61 mark

A ball travels towards a brick wall with a momentum of 0.50 kg m s–1, as shown below.  The ball bounces of the wall and travels in the opposite direction with the same speed it hit the wall.


What is the momentum of the ball after the collision?

  • 0.25 kg m s–1

  • –0.25 kg m s–1

  • 0.50 kg m s–1

  • –0.50 kg m s–1

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71 mark

Which line, A to D, in the table correctly shows what is conserved in an elastic collision?

  Momentum Kinetic energy
A conserved conserved
B conserved

not conserved


not conserved


not conserved

not conserved

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    81 mark

    Which line, A to D, in the table correctly shows whether the quantities momentum and impulse are scalar or vector quantities?

      Momentum Impulse












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      91 mark

      When a car collides with a wall, as shown below, a constant force of 15 N is exerted on the car. The collision lasts for 1.2 seconds.  


      What is the impulse delivered to the car by the wall during the collision?

      • 10 N s

      • 13 N s

      • 15 N s

      • 18 N s

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      101 mark

      A trolley of mass 3.5 kg rolls at 0.5 m s–1 towards a checkout.

      What is the kinetic energy of the trolley?

      • 0.44 J

      • 0.88 J

      • 1.53 J

      • 1.75 J

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      11 mark

      A tennis ball of mass 60 g is struck by a tennis racket. The velocity of the ball changes as shown


      What is the magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball?

      • 1.2 × 103 kg m s–1

      • 4.8 × 103 kg m s–1

      • 1.2 kg m s–1

      • 4.8 kg m s–1

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      21 mark

      Two spheres approach each other along the same straight line. Their speeds are u1 and u2 before collision, and v1 and v2 after collision, in the directions shown below


      Which equation is correct if the collision is perfectly elastic?

      • u1 – u2 = v2 + v1

      • u1 – u2 = v2 – v1

      • u1 + u2 = v2 – v1

      • u1 + u2 = v2 + v1

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      31 mark

      A lorry of mass 18 tonnes is travelling at 25.0 m s–1.

      A car of mass 800 kg is travelling at 40.0 m s–1 towards the lorry.


      What is the magnitude of the total momentum?

      • 1 tonne = 1000 kg
      • 282 kN s 

      • 418 kN s

      • 482 kN s

      • 1222 kN s

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      41 mark

      The diagram shows the masses and velocities of two trolleys about to collide


      After the impact they move off together.

      What is the total kinetic energy of the trolleys after the collision?

      • 6.0 J 

      • 3.7 J

      • 0.35 J

      • 0.02 J

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      51 mark

      The diagram shows a cannon ball fired from a cannon


      The mass of the cannon is 1600 kg and the mass of the cannon ball is 20 kg.

      The recoil velocity of the cannon is 5 m s–1 horizontally.

      What is the horizontal velocity of the cannon ball?

      • 100 m s–1  

      • 320 m s–1  

      • 400 m s–1  

      • 8000 m s–1  

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      61 mark

      A ball of mass 2 kg travelling at 1 half m s–1 strikes a ball of mass 3 kg travelling at 1 third m s–1. Both balls are moving along the same straight line as shown


      After collision, both balls move at the same velocity v.

      What is the magnitude of the velocity v?

      • 1 fifth   m s–1

      •  2 over 5  m s–1

      • 3 over 2   m s–1

      • 5 over 2   m s–1

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      71 mark

      A molecule of mass m travelling at speed v hits a wall in a direction perpendicular to the wall. The collision is elastic.

      What are the changes in the momentum and in the kinetic energy of the molecule caused by the collision?


      change in momentum

      change in kinetic energy

      A 0 0


      C mv2 0
      D −2mv 0

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        81 mark

        A moving object strikes a stationary object. The collision is inelastic. The objects move off together.

        Which row shows the possible values of total momentum and total kinetic energy for the system before and after the collision?


        total momentum

        before collision

        / kg m s–1

        total momentum

        after collision

        / kg m s–1

        total kinetic

        energy before

        collision / J

        total kinetic

        energy after

        collision / J





















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          91 mark

          A resultant force of 5 N acts on a body for a time of 4.0 s.

          Which graph could show the variation with time t of the momentum p of the body?


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            101 mark

            Two train carriages each of mass 7500 kg roll toward one another on a level track. One is travelling at 3.00 m s–1 and the other at 1.50 m s–1, as shown.


            They collide and join together.

            What is the kinetic energy lost during the collision?

            • 4200 J

            • 7500 J

            • 11 250 J

            • 38 000 J

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            11 mark

            Two trolley, A and B, are connected by an elastic chord, of negligible mass, as shown below. Trolley A is three times the mass of trolley B.


            The two trolleys are pulled apart so that the elastic chord is stretched. The trolleys are then released at the same time and move towards each other.  The trolleys stick together on impact. 

            Just before the trolleys collide, the speed of trolley A is 10 cm s–1.

            What is the speed of the trolleys after they collide?

            • 0

            • 10 cm s–1

            • 20 cm s–1

            • 30 cm s–1

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            21 mark

            A pellet gun fires 2 g pellets at a rate of 200 pellets per minute.  The pellets leave the pellet gun at a velocity of 20 m s–1 and strike a fixed steel block.  The pellets rebound off the block with the same velocity as they were fired.

            What is the average force exerted on the steel container over one minute?

            • 0.0013 N

            • 0.27 N

            • 16 N

            • 270 N

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            31 mark

            The diagram below shows a block of mass 1.2 kg sliding down a rough slope from rest against a constant friction force of 1.5 N.


            What is the momentum of the block along the slope after 4 seconds?

            • 10.1 kg m s–1

            • 16.1 kg m s–1

            • 38.2 kg m s–1

            • 41.1 kg m s–1

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            41 mark

            The variation of the force, F, with time, t, acting on a mass of 250 g is shown on the graph below.


            The velocity of the body at t = 10 ms is 8 m s–1.

            What is the velocity of the body at t = 35 ms?

            • 10.0 m s–1

            • 13.5 m s–1

            • 21.5 m s–1

            • 18.0 m s–1

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            51 mark

            Particle A has a mass m and is moving towards a stationary particle, B, of mass MA is travelling with a velocity of u before colliding head on with particle B.  The collision between the particles is elastic.

            What is the velocity of particle B after the collision? 

            • u

            • 2mu

            • fraction numerator left parenthesis M space minus space m right parenthesis u over denominator M end fraction

            • fraction numerator 2 m u over denominator M space plus space m end fraction

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            61 mark

            An object of mass 40 g travelling at 4.0 m s–1 collides head on with a mass of 20 g travelling in the opposite direction at 3.5 m s–1.  The collision between the masses is inelastic.

            How much kinetic energy is lost after the collision?

            • 1.7 × 10–3 J

            • 3.4 × 10–3 J

            • 0.38 J

            • 0.75 J

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